Flight attendants are speaking out against appalling behavior on airplanes, including mile-high sex sessions that have become all too common. One respondent advised against engaging in sexual activities on an airplane, warning that passengers are not as sneaky as they think they are, with many getting frisky under blankets in plain view of others. The lavatory is a popular spot for these rendezvous, but flight attendants warn against it due to cleanliness issues and the mess it leaves behind for them to clean up.

In addition to mile-high romps, flight attendants also have to deal with passengers engaging in unsanitary behaviors on flights. One respondent lamented passengers flossing their teeth or cleaning their ears and then discarding the items on the floor for the flight attendants to clean up. Another common issue is parents changing a baby’s diaper on the tray table, which is seen as a major hygiene violation by flight attendants. They emphasize that the tray table is where people eat, and no one wants to smell a dirty diaper while they’re trying to enjoy their meal.

The cleanliness of airplane lavatories was also brought up by a flight attendant, who warned against engaging in sexual activities in these spaces due to their unsanitary nature. They expressed disgust at the thought of passengers getting intimate in the lavatory, emphasizing that it leaves a mess behind for the crew to clean up. Flight attendants advise passengers to save such activities for a more appropriate setting, such as a hotel, rather than on a cramped airplane where cleanliness is already an issue.

Some flight attendants have expressed frustration with passengers who disregard common hygiene practices while flying. One respondent mentioned the alarming number of passengers who feel compelled to floss their teeth or clean their ears during flights and then leave the used items on the floor for the crew to deal with. Changing a baby’s diaper on a tray table was highlighted as another unsanitary behavior that flight attendants encounter regularly, with one crew member calling it incredibly selfish to subject other passengers to the smell and sight of a dirty diaper during a flight.

The complaints from flight attendants about disruptive and unsanitary behavior on airplanes shed light on issues that passengers may not be aware of. From mile-high sex sessions to flossing in-flight and changing diapers on tray tables, these behaviors are not only disturbing to other passengers but also create extra work for the flight crew. Flight attendants are calling for more consideration and respect from passengers when it comes to maintaining cleanliness and decency on flights. They advise passengers to think twice before engaging in inappropriate behavior that can affect the comfort and well-being of everyone on board.

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