A devious flight attendant, Mitra Amirzadeh, shared her unique method of getting passengers to swap seats to accommodate families with young children who wish to sit together. She claims to receive seat change requests on 8 out of the 10 flights she works each month. Amirzadeh is skilled at reading the room and identifying potential volunteers to make the move, but she also has a trick up her sleeve if they initially refuse – she jokingly suggests that they watch the toddler and need snacks and coloring books. Seat change requests often come from couples who booked separate seats in the hopes of finding someone willing to swap before take-off.

Amirzadeh, a union representative for a major airline, only intervenes in seat change requests when a child is involved. She believes that the person who purchased the desired seat has the right to sit in it for the flight and advises passengers to remind themselves that they did not pay to pick their seat, otherwise they would be in it. She does not usually get involved in the seat changes because of this belief in passengers’ rights to their assigned seats.

Influencer Jeenie Weenie, a former flight attendant turned TikTok star, shared the success rates for passengers looking to switch seats to be closer to their significant other. She revealed that if a same-seat swap is requested with a solo traveler nearby, the likelihood of success is 99.9%. However, the success rate drops to 80% if you’re looking to upgrade from the back to the front of the plane, and decreases to 40% if your original seat is next to a baby or bathroom. Asking someone in a window or aisle seat to switch with your middle seat will only have a 10 to 15% chance of success, but giving up a window or aisle seat can increase the success rate back up to 99%.

Jeenie Weenie also warned against trying to switch seats with passengers in different classes, as they may have paid a significant amount to upgrade and might not be willing to switch without compensation. She emphasized that requesting such a change could result in a negative success rate of 682%. The influencer shared tips on how to increase the chances of successfully changing seats and highlighted the importance of understanding the dynamics of seat swaps on flights. Overall, Jeenie Weenie’s insights provide passengers with valuable information on how to navigate seat change requests and increase the likelihood of getting the desired swap, while being respectful of other passengers’ rights and preferences.

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