The internal feud within the Five Star Movement has become a political battle for control between Beppe Grillo, the founder, and Giuseppe Conte, the current president. This power struggle is reminiscent of the old style of the First Republic, characterized by factions, interests, and alliances. The movement has seen a significant decline in popularity, dropping from over 32% in the 2018 elections to a mere 10% in the recent European elections. The ongoing conflict between Grillo and Conte is shaping up to be a decisive moment in the party’s history.

The political landscape has shifted dramatically in recent years, from the formation of the Conte I government and the strategic alliance with the League, to the abrupt end of the coalition in 2019 and the subsequent pivot to the left with a new partnership with the Democratic Party in the Conte II government. These changes have given rise to the “Campo largo” coalition, a center-left alliance that aims to solidify the party’s position in national politics. The upcoming October constituent assembly will be a pivotal moment for the future direction of the party, with Conte pushing for radical changes such as a new name, symbol, and revising the rule of two mandates.

Conte’s initiatives have sparked a backlash from Grillo, who accuses the former Prime Minister of straying from the party’s grassroots origins. In a blog post titled “Repetita iuvant,” Grillo warns party members of the choice they will face in October between two contrasting visions for the Five Star Movement. While Conte advocates for a more professionalized approach to politics, Grillo believes in a bottom-up, grassroots-driven model that eschews traditional political norms. The rift between the two leaders reflects deeper ideological differences within the party.

The loyalists of Grillo and Conte have rallied behind their respective leaders, with some advocating for a return to the party’s founding principles while others support Conte’s leadership and vision for the future. Conte, having already served two terms as president, faces pressure to step aside and make way for new leadership. The debate over leadership and ideology has divided the party, with figures like Ricciardi, Maiorino, and Gubitosa aligning themselves with Conte, while others such as Crimi, Taverna, and Fico remain silent in the current standoff.

The involvement of figures like Virginia Raggi, the former mayor of Rome, adds another layer of complexity to the power struggle within the party. Raggi has expressed dissatisfaction with Conte’s leftward pivot, criticizing his indecisiveness and advocating for a more centrist approach. Some have speculated that Raggi could potentially bridge the gap between the two rival leaders, serving as a mediator in the ongoing dispute. As the October assembly approaches, the fate of the Five Star Movement hangs in the balance, with the outcome likely to shape the party’s future trajectory.

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