Roberta Metsola, the President of the European Parliament, expressed her confidence in Raffaele being a commissioner in a very good way during an interview on the Rai1 program Cinque Minuti. Metsola emphasized that she knows Raffaele, the European Parliament knows him, and he knows the Parliament due to their past work together. She also mentioned that there will be hearings for all the commissioners to ensure competence, and having an Italian vice-presidency is a gesture towards a large and founding country like Italy. Metsola stated that she aims to work with constructive forces to address issues affecting people, farmers, and the industry, in the spirit of the Europe that was built by figures like De Gasperi and Spinelli.

Metsola highlighted immigration as a European challenge that requires European solutions, emphasizing the importance of finding solutions collectively rather than leaving any country alone, including Italy. She referenced the Migration and Asylum Pact approved in Brussels in April, which includes innovative and protective measures for those in need, reinforcing external borders, handling non-eligible individuals, and combatting smugglers. Metsola stressed the importance of treating migrants as people, not faceless statistics, in decisions that respond to the needs expressed by citizens, particularly regarding the EU’s role in immigration matters.

The President of the European Parliament emphasized the role of ensuring guarantees for all women, including working mothers, stating that it is not only a social issue but also an economic opportunity that should be pursued. Metsola highlighted the necessity for women to have equal opportunities in order to contribute to the economy effectively. In the evening, Metsola met with the President of the Council Giorgia Meloni at Palazzo Chigi, where they discussed various international topics such as the situation in Ukraine, the Middle East crisis, and Venezuela. They also addressed key European issues, notably the management of migration, and focused on boosting the competitiveness of the continent ahead of the informal European Council in Budapest.

Roberta Metsola’s visit to Italy included meetings with Italian political figures, highlighting the importance of cooperation and common agenda items between the European Union and Italy. Metsola’s discussions with Giorgia Meloni focused on international crises and European challenges, including migration management and competitiveness. The meeting reflected the ongoing dialogue and collaboration between EU institutions and member states, aiming to address complex global issues through collective action and shared responsibility. Metsola’s visit to Italy underlined the significance of partnerships and solidarity within the European Union in facing common challenges and promoting peace, stability, and prosperity both within the EU and globally.

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