Local cooperative in Ordu readies for new fishing season

The President of the Perşembe Fishermen’s Cooperative in Ordu, Ünal Karadeniz, stated that after the fishing ban starting on April 15, some of the boats’ equipment has been renewed, and the nets have been repaired. Karadeniz mentioned that the previous season marked the lowest anchovy catch in 62 years but the hamsi fishing had been successful. He also expressed optimism for the upcoming bonito season, expecting it to be better than the previous one.

Karadeniz further announced that they will officially kick off the new season between August 31 and September 1 and starting with bonito, mackerel, and red mullet fishing. He reassured consumers about the affordable prices of fish in the new season, especially bonito and mackerel, making them accessible for everyone’s tables.

The President emphasized the enthusiasm among all fishermen for the upcoming season, eagerly waiting to set sail. He expressed his wishes for a prosperous and abundant season for all fishermen, highlighting the importance of a successful fishing season for the local economy.

Giresun prepares for a promising bonito season

Hamdi Arslan, the President of the Piraziz Fisheries Cooperative in Giresun, disclosed that the season would open with bonito fishing. Noting the abundance of fish in certain areas of the Black Sea, Arslan mentioned a few weaker spots but assured general availability of fish across the region. Expressing hope for a successful season, he anticipated a better year compared to the previous ones, offering optimism for a fruitful season if the conditions remain favorable.

Arslan also mentioned positive prospects for horse mackerel and mackerel in the upcoming season, while stating it was too early to predict the hamsi availability. Expressing hopes for ideal conditions, he anticipated a productive season ahead, ensuring consumers of a variety of fish options at reasonable rates.

Trabzon anticipates a prosperous fishing season

Erol Akyol from the Yoroz fishing shelters in Trabzon’s Çarşıbaşı district conveyed his optimism for the upcoming season, expressing excitement about the plentiful bonito in the waters. He shared that the nets are ready for deployment, signaling an auspicious start to the season. Another fisherman, Korkut Yılmaz, echoed Akyol’s sentiments, hoping for a successful season reminiscent of the previous year.

Rize and Artvin cooperatives ready for the season

Barış Zaman, the President of the Rize Artvin Fisheries Cooperative Union, indicated that they had completed their preparations for the season. Zaman recalled the lack of bonito in the previous year but expressed hope for a plentiful season with bonito, mackerel, and bluefish expected in abundance, with hamsi predicted to be less numerous. Similarly, Zafer Öztürk, the head of the Artvin Hopa Fisheries Cooperative, wished for a prosperous season for all fishermen, highlighting the importance of sustainable fishing practices for the ocean’s well-being.

Cooperative leaders anticipate a challenging hamsi season

Ramazan Özkaya, the President of the Fisheries Cooperatives Central Union (Sür-Koop), discussed the beginning of the fishing season on September 1st, underlining the enthusiasm among fishermen for the new season. Özkaya informed about the surplus of bonito and the scarcity of hamsi this year compared to the opposite conditions of the previous year. He emphasized the implementation of quotas, with a limit of 400,000 tons for hamsi fishing this season, stressing the importance of sustainable fisheries practices for the ocean’s health, fishermen’s livelihoods, and consumer satisfaction.

In conclusion, Özkaya indicated that the effects of the quota system would be visible in the upcoming year, leading to more stable prices in the markets. He emphasized that adherence to regulations and quotas would benefit all stakeholders, urging fishermen to abide by the rules for a successful and sustainable fishing season.

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