Between September 1, 2024 and April 14, 2025, a total of 400,000 tons of anchovies are allowed to be caught in the Black Sea, Marmara, and Aegean seas. Fishing for anchovies within the quota can only be done by fishing vessels with “Anchovy Fishing Permit Certificate with Purse Seine Nets”, “Anchovy Fishing Permit Certificate with Midwater Trawl”, and “Anchovy Fishing Permit Certificate with Alamana Nets” that are engaged in active fishing activities in the country’s territorial waters.

The owners or authorized persons of fishing vessels must apply for a permit certificate at the Agricultural and Forestry Directorate of the province or district where the license is issued or where the vessel is located, by September 6. For fishing vessels of 12 meters and above in length, a fishing permit certificate suitable for the fishing activity as the primary fishing tool specified in the license will be issued according to the rules set out.

The fishing vessel for which the permit certificate is requested must be present in Turkish territorial waters on the date of issuance. No fishing permit certificate will be issued to ships operating in the territorial waters of other countries or in international waters. In addition, fishing vessels engaged in auxiliary ship activities in aquaculture facilities under a contract approved by the ministry will not be issued a permit certificate.

Fishing quotas will be allocated to fishing vessels that have obtained an anchovy fishing permit certificate based on the full-length and size group coefficients determined. The quota per vessel will be determined based on the total number of applications and lengths of the vessels. Once the quota amount per meter of ship length is determined, the quotas of the applying vessels will be determined.

Furthermore, vessels that have obtained permission from the ministry to sail to other countries will not be provided with a new quota allocation even if they return to Turkish territorial waters during the fishing season. The anchovies caught by the fishing vessels engaged in anchovy fishing activities will be reported to the e-Logbook before landing.

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