The tradition of the “First Lady’s Commemorative Egg” continues after almost five decades, with First Lady Jill Biden receiving seven special eggs for the 2024 White House Easter Egg Roll. The tradition began 47 years ago, and each year the eggs are designed to reflect the passions and causes of the current first lady. This year’s eggs will follow the theme of education and “lifelong learning,” with intricate designs showcasing children and STEAM professions. The meticulous artistry of the eggs is done by master egg artist Carolyn Bickel, who manages to paint detailed images on the tiny surface of the eggs.

The collection of eggs for this year’s event includes two regular-sized eggs with images of young children and five smaller pullet eggs featuring STEAM professions. The seven eggs will be displayed together to symbolize the possibilities of the future for children. The artistry of the eggs includes hollowed out and carved eggs revealing interior paintings symbolizing limitless possibilities achievable through imagination and knowledge pursuit. This level of artistry has never been seen before in commemorative egg history and is a testament to the skill of the artist, Carolyn Bickel.

The White House Easter Egg Roll on April 1 will feature 64,000 eggs on the lawn, with 40,000 hand-dyed eggs from Braswell Family Farms in Nashville, North Carolina, and 20,000 eggs from Sauder’s farms in Pennsylvania. These eggs will be used in various egg-based recipes served at the event. The event is expected to have more than 100 of America’s egg farmers on the lawn to interact with guests and educate them on the journey of eggs from hen to home. A record-breaking 40,000 people are expected to attend the event, which showcases the pride of America’s farmers and the importance of egg production.

The intricate design and artistry of the commemorative eggs for the White House Easter Egg Roll are a highlight of the event. Each year, the eggs reflect the interests and causes of the current first lady, with this year’s eggs focusing on education and “lifelong learning.” The detailed paintings on the eggs showcase children and STEAM professions, symbolizing possibilities for the future. The artist responsible for the intricate designs, Carolyn Bickel, is praised for her talent in creating visually stunning images on the tiny surface of the eggs.

The 2024 White House Easter Egg Roll will feature a record-breaking 64,000 eggs on the lawn, sourced from Braswell Family Farms in North Carolina and Sauder’s farms in Pennsylvania. The event will offer guests the chance to interact with over 100 of America’s egg farmers and learn about egg production from farm to table. The event is expected to draw 40,000 attendees, making it a significant celebration of American agriculture and tradition. The artistry and craftsmanship of the commemorative eggs add an extra layer of pride to the event and highlight the importance of egg production in American culture.

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