Paul O’Grady’s final ever documentary, Great Elephant Adventure, showcases the beloved comedian’s passion for animals as he helps care for elephants rescued from circuses in Thailand. Despite his unexpected death from sudden cardiac arrhythmia in March 2022, Paul can be seen flashing a huge smile and cracking jokes in the last part of the documentary which airs on Sunday. The two-part series was filmed across Thailand and Laos in December 2022 with Paul’s voiceover work completed in the weeks leading up to his passing. In one heartwarming scene, Paul helps care for a 37-year-old elephant named Pun, celebrating her birthday and vowing to bake her a cake.
Fans were left emotional after watching the first episode of Great Elephant Adventure, with many sharing their admiration for Paul O’Grady’s genuine connection with animals. One viewer expressed how watching elephants and Paul O’Grady together was stirring their emotions, while others highlighted how much they missed the national treasure a year after his death. Despite the sadness of losing Paul, fans were grateful to see him on their screens once again and praised his caring and sensitive nature. The series is a tribute to Paul’s legacy as an animal lover and activist.
Throughout the filming of Great Elephant Adventure, Paul O’Grady experienced moments of pure joy and contentment amidst his interactions with the elephants. Even when covered in mud and nearly tumbling over, Paul declared that he was ‘in heaven’ at one of the conservation centers. His close friend and the show’s producer, Claire Barton, shared that Paul was deeply committed to highlighting the plight of elephants and raising awareness of conservation efforts. Despite his sudden passing, Paul’s enthusiasm for the project shone through in the final footage, showcasing his genuine passion for animals.
In a teaser clip for the series, Paul can be seen receiving a playful whack from an elephant named Lotus, highlighting his lighthearted and humorous interactions with the animals. Claire Barton revealed that Paul had plans for more TV shows following Great Elephant Adventure, including a series on African elephants and another featuring wild dogs and wolves in Canada. The duo had worked together for 20 years, with Paul’s love for animals evident in his long-running show, For The Love Of Dogs. The final episode of the series will pay tribute to Paul’s legacy, honoring his dedication to animal welfare and conservation efforts.
Despite the challenges of completing Great Elephant Adventure following Paul O’Grady’s death, Claire Barton recounted how Paul’s determination and efficiency in recording the voiceovers ensured the project was finished. Despite the sadness of knowing that they would never work on new shows together, Claire reflected on the special bond they shared and the joy of creating meaningful content. Paul’s presence and passion for animals will be deeply missed in the television industry, with his final TV project serving as a fitting tribute to his remarkable legacy. Great Elephant Adventure is a testament to Paul’s love for animals and his enduring impact on animal welfare advocacy.