A fire broke out in a forested area in the Göynük region for reasons yet to be determined. Firefighters intervened with 4 fire trucks, 2 initial response vehicles, a water tanker, and many forest workers. After about 2 hours of work, the fire was brought under control, and cooling efforts are still ongoing. The fire caused damage to an area of 0.3 hectares.

Meanwhile, four tourists who were hiking in the region sought help, leading to a search operation in the area. Kemer Search and Rescue (KEMKUT) and UMKE teams, along with AFAD teams, quickly reached the four tourists. It was found that the tourists had lost their way while hiking and panicked due to the smoke from the fire. After undergoing a health check, they were taken down by vehicle and handed over to their relatives.

The authorities have not yet determined the cause of the fire in the forested area of Göynük. Firefighting operations involved several vehicles and forest workers, managing to bring the fire under control after a two-hour effort. Although the fire damaged a 0.3-hectare area, efforts are ongoing to cool down the affected areas and prevent any further spread.

In a separate incident, four tourists hiking in the same region found themselves in need of help. They had lost their way and became distressed by the smoke from the nearby fire. Search and rescue teams quickly located the tourists and ensured their safety, providing a health check before reuniting them with their loved ones.

The swift response from emergency teams highlights the importance of their role in safeguarding both the natural environment and the lives of those who explore it. The coordinated effort between various organizations, including Kemer Search and Rescue, UMKE, and AFAD, ensured a successful outcome for both the firefighting operation and the search and rescue mission for the stranded tourists.

As the situation in the forested area of Göynük continues to evolve, authorities remain vigilant in monitoring the area and ensuring that all necessary measures are in place to prevent future incidents. The combined efforts of firefighting and search and rescue teams demonstrate the importance of effective coordination and swift action in responding to emergencies, ultimately safeguarding both the environment and the well-being of individuals in need.

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