Namit Malhotra, a prominent producer in both Hollywood and Bollywood, played a crucial role in bringing the highly anticipated animated film “The Garfield Movie” to life, amidst the challenges posed by the pandemic. With a call to Alcon Entertainment, Malhotra was able to jumpstart the project and make sure that audiences could enjoy the big screen adaptation of the beloved character. Over the last 30 years, he has made a name for himself as a magic maker in the entertainment industry.

Malhotra’s journey began in 1995 in Mumbai, where he founded Prime Focus with just a single Apple Mac computer and a vision that convinced a few tutors from a computer graphics course to join him. Within a decade, Prime Focus became India’s largest independent media services company, revolutionizing the Bollywood film industry with technology innovations. His success in India eventually led him to expand internationally, first in the UK and then in the US, where a series of acquisitions helped establish a global presence for Prime Focus, bridging the gap between eastern and western markets.

In 2014, Prime Focus acquired the British visual effects company Double Negative, leading to the creation of DNEG, where Malhotra became CEO. This acquisition allowed DNEG to grow its services and establish a network of premier visual effects and animation studios. The company’s headcount expanded from 700 to over 9,000 employees, and new divisions and services were added to establish a solid foundation for future growth and expansion.

DNEG’s impressive portfolio includes work on blockbuster films like “Avatar,” “Star Wars,” “Transformers,” and “Harry Potter,” earning the company seven Academy Award wins for Best Visual Effects. With an investment of $250 million in 2021 by Novator Capital Advisers, LLP, DNEG is well positioned to capitalize on the increasing demand in the content services marketplace and explore new opportunities, including gaming and original content creation.

Malhotra’s next venture involves bringing Hindu mythology to Hollywood with a feature film adaptation of the epic poem “Ramayana,” aiming to present this revered story to a global audience. With his experience in both Bollywood and Hollywood, he hopes to create a visually stunning and culturally reverent portrayal of the ancient Indian tale. By showcasing the Hindu scriptures in a way that has not been done before, Malhotra aims to bridge cultural gaps and foster a deeper appreciation for both Indian and Western traditions.

With projects like “The Garfield Movie,” “Ramayana,” and the upcoming feature film “Animal Friends,” Malhotra continues to demonstrate his commitment to creating diverse and engaging content for audiences worldwide. Whether securing financing, collaborating with directors, or building new VFX studios for major productions, Malhotra remains at the forefront of storytelling and innovative solutions in the entertainment industry, leaving a lasting impact on the global film landscape.

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