FIFA has decided to postpone its decision on a proposal to suspend the Israeli soccer team from international play due to their ongoing war against Hamas. The Palestine Football Association made the proposal, stating that Israel’s actions violated international laws. FIFA has chosen to seek a legal assessment on the situation before making a final decision within two months. This decision followed an attack by Israel on Hamas in response to a terror attack that occurred in the country on October 7.

FIFA President Gianni Infantino explained that an independent legal assessment will be conducted to analyze and assess the requests made by the Palestine Football Association. This assessment will ensure that FIFA’s statutes and regulations are applied correctly, allowing for input and claims from both member associations. The results and recommendations from the legal assessment will be forwarded to the FIFA council. An extraordinary FIFA Council meeting will be convened before July 20 to review the results of the legal assessment and make appropriate decisions based on the findings.

The Palestine Football Association called for immediate sanctions against Israel teams, claiming that the war has led to an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe for the Palestinian people, including the football community. Jibril Rajoub, the association’s leader, stated that 193 soccer players had died as a result of the conflict. Infantino emphasized that a vote could not take place immediately because it needed to be addressed by FIFA’s governing council, and that it is his responsibility as president to adhere to FIFA’s statutes and regulations on such matters.

At a FIFA council meeting, all 37 member nations unanimously agreed to condemn the violence taking place and reaffirmed the idea that football should not be used as a political tool. Infantino stressed that football should remain a force for good, uniting people rather than dividing them. While acknowledging the sensitivity of the situation, he believes that FIFA’s responsibility is to follow its statutes and regulations in a fair and due process. The decision to delay the vote on suspending the Israeli soccer team allows for a legal assessment to be conducted to ensure that FIFA’s procedures are followed correctly.

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas has sparked controversy within the international soccer community, with the Palestine Football Association calling for immediate action against the Israeli team. The decision to postpone the vote on suspending the Israeli team allows for a thorough legal assessment to be conducted, ensuring that FIFA’s regulations are followed in the decision-making process. By convening an extraordinary FIFA Council meeting before July 20 to review the legal assessment, FIFA aims to make decisions that are appropriate in the context of the situation. The goal is to address the conflict in a fair and impartial manner that upholds the values of the sport.

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