Ferragosto, which falls on August 15th, is one of the most anticipated holidays for Italians as it marks the peak of summer. Many people will take advantage of this holiday to organize trips, go to the beach or mountains, and spend time with family or friends. However, there will also be many who will stay in the city due to health reasons. In light of the current increase in emergency room visits and the reduced number of open medical offices, the Provincial Order of Physicians and Dentists in Rome (Omceo) has issued a series of tips and recommendations to help citizens manage their health during this festive period.

President Antonio Magi emphasizes the importance of accessing emergency services responsibly to avoid overcrowding in emergency rooms. He advises citizens to go to the emergency room only in case of a real emergency and to consult a general practitioner for non-urgent health issues or visit a medical clinic. He also suggests contacting the Medical Guard or using telephone health counseling services provided by the region for health problems that require attention but are not emergencies.

During the hot summer days, Magi recommends staying hydrated, especially for the elderly and children, by drinking water regularly and avoiding alcoholic and sugary drinks. He also advises against direct sun exposure during the hottest hours of the day, using sunscreen with a high protection factor, and wearing hats and sunglasses. He explains how to recognize heat strokes and urges quick action by moving to a cool place, drinking water, and consulting a doctor if necessary.

Magi stresses the importance of having an adequate supply of essential medications during the holiday season and following prescribed therapies without interruption. For those with chronic conditions, having an emergency management plan and knowing who to contact during the holidays is advisable. The Omceo also provides travel tips, such as checking weather forecasts before embarking on long trips, planning frequent breaks to cool off and hydrate, and carrying a first aid kit with basic medications, especially in isolated areas.

In terms of proper nutrition, Magi warns against food poisoning by storing food properly, especially in summer, consuming fresh and well-cooked foods, being cautious with the cold chain, and limiting alcohol consumption to prevent dehydration and heat strokes. He advises citizens to contact their general practitioner before the holidays to clarify any doubts about ongoing treatments, receive specific advice, and learn about alternative medical contacts if their doctor is on vacation. It is also recommended to keep emergency numbers handy, including those of doctors or Medical Guards, and to familiarize oneself with local healthcare services such as pharmacy opening hours, available medical clinics, and access to medical guards.

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