During a visit to Estonia, King Felipe VI of Spain expressed Spain’s commitment to supporting the Baltic countries in case of Russian aggression. Spain currently has over 4,000 military personnel deployed in the Eastern flank of NATO, with plans to send missile batteries to Estonia after the summer. The King visited the port of Tallinn, where Spanish naval vessels were participating in NATO exercises in the Baltic Sea. He highlighted the importance of solidarity among allies in defending each other’s borders.

The Baltic countries, particularly Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, have increased their defense spending in recent years due to concerns about Russian aggression. Despite their relatively small size and limited military capabilities, these countries feel vulnerable and rely on NATO for support. Spain has around 840 military personnel deployed in the region, with an additional 1,500 currently serving. King Felipe VI emphasized Spain’s strong commitment to its allies and its support for Ukraine in holding Russia accountable for its actions.

Aside from security concerns, the King also touched on economic opportunities during his visit to Estonia. He highlighted the expertise of Spanish companies in projects like Rail Baltica, a future railway line connecting Finland with Poland through the Baltic countries. The visit aims to strengthen ties with the Baltic countries and showcase Spain’s capabilities in various sectors, including defense and infrastructure.

The trip to Estonia is part of a larger tour of the Baltic countries, with the Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, joining the King for the final stop in Latvia. The presence of high-ranking Spanish officials underscores the importance of the visit and Spain’s commitment to its allies in the region. Despite some last-minute changes in the delegation, including the absence of government representatives accompanying the King, efforts are being made to ensure proper coordination and support for the visit.

King Felipe VI’s visit to Estonia reinforces Spain’s solidarity with its NATO allies and commitment to ensuring regional security in Europe. By participating in joint military exercises and deploying forces to the Baltic countries, Spain demonstrates its readiness to defend its allies and contribute to the collective defense efforts of the Alliance. The King’s presence and statements during the visit serve to strengthen diplomatic ties and underscore the importance of cooperation among European nations in addressing shared security challenges.

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