Galena, a 6-year-old house cat from Utah, recently had a harrowing experience after getting trapped in an Amazon package. The cat’s owner, Carrie Clark, was distraught when Galena went missing on April 10. Clark searched the neighborhood, put up flyers, and posted on social media in hopes of finding her beloved pet. The thought of not knowing what had happened to Galena was agonizing for Clark, who feared the worst-case scenarios of the cat being harmed or lost.

After days of searching and worrying, Clark received a text on April 17 informing her that Galena’s microchip had been scanned, indicating that the cat had been found. It turned out that Galena had hitched a ride to California in a box of returned steel-toed boots that Clark’s husband had sent back to Amazon. The cat had gone unnoticed in the box, spending six days without food or water before being discovered by Amazon employees in Riverside, California. Luckily, the cat was unharmed and taken in by a co-worker of the employees who rescues cats.

Clark was overjoyed to hear that Galena was safe and immediately flew to California with her husband to reunite with their feline friend. The cat was located and brought to a veterinarian’s office, where Clark was finally able to hold Galena in her arms again. Despite the emotional rollercoaster of the situation, Clark’s love for Galena drove her to make the trip to California to bring her cat back home. The family was grateful for the fortunate circumstances that led to Galena’s safe return, including the mild weather and the actions of those who found her.

Since reuniting with Galena, Clark has been sharing her cat’s story as a reminder to other pet owners to microchip their animals and to check their Amazon boxes before returning them. Galena, a quiet cat by nature, had endured a stressful ordeal without making a sound. The experience has left Clark and her family grateful for the resilience and strength of their beloved cat, who managed to survive being inadvertently shipped across state lines. The emotional journey of losing and finding Galena has brought Clark and her cherished pet even closer together.

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