The decision of Pedro Sánchez to not resign was met with laughter by the leadership committee of the PP on Monday. The party had gathered at their headquarters when the president of the government announced his decision to remain in office after five days of reflection. The PP found Sánchez’s decision to be hilarious, confirming their belief that he would not step down. They now fear the political offensive that Sánchez has hinted at preparing now that he has decided not to leave. Following their meeting, the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, accused the president of attempting a “regime change through the back door” but ruled out presenting a vote of no confidence.

The PP has responded to Sánchez’s decision with a harshening of their discourse, accusing the socialist president of a shift towards authoritarianism. Feijóo stated that Sánchez was showing authoritarian tendencies not seen since Franco, and went further to suggest that Sánchez’s intention is to change the regime. The party is concerned about Sánchez’s plans and is ready to mobilize against them. Former president José María Aznar criticized Sánchez’s “tearjerker leadership” and the president of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, warned of a tougher stage ahead for any opposition to the government. Some have even mentioned the term “dictatorship” in reference to Sánchez’s actions.

Feijóo emphasized that Sánchez’s discourse is dangerous as it does not accept dissent and further polarizes the country. He criticized Sánchez for not wanting opposition, justice, or media freedom and accused him of seeking unlimited power without being held accountable by society. Feijóo also criticized Sánchez for using his reflection period as a “theater” and a “farce”, accusing him of making a spectacle and involving the King of Spain in his decision-making process. Feijóo concluded that Spain does not have a president worthy of its citizens.

Feijóo considers Sánchez’s political career to be coming to an end, but does not anticipate his resignation or early elections. The PP acknowledges that a vote of no confidence would likely be unsuccessful as Sánchez still has the support of his allies. The PP is mobilizing to prevent Sánchez from benefiting politically from his decision and is preparing a counteroffensive. Feijóo plans to continue pressuring Sánchez on various fronts and suggests that street protests may be reintroduced. The PP is bracing for a tough political battle ahead as they aim to undermine Sánchez’s leadership.

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