Alberto Núñez Feijóo, the leader of the Popular Party (PP), has acknowledged that there is a climate of maximum political tension in Spain, contributed to by both the PP and the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE). In an interview on Antena3, Feijóo recognized that the current politics in Spain are the worst that democracy has ever seen, including his own party in this criticism. This comes at a time of heightened political tension, with two separate investigations being launched by both the Congress and the Senate into the purchase of medical materials during the pandemic. Feijóo has attempted to diminish his party’s responsibility compared to that of the government, stating that being in opposition is not the same as being in government, but still acknowledging his party’s involvement.

Feijóo recently marked two years as the leader of the PP, during which time he has failed to achieve some of the objectives set out at the party congress in Seville in 2022. One of these objectives was to promote a less confrontational and hyperbolic politics, qualities that are lacking in the current political climate as described by Feijóo in the interview. He highlighted the unprecedented nature of the irregularities surrounding the alleged involvement of the prime minister’s wife, Begoña Gómez, with various companies. Feijóo expressed discomfort with the idea of calling Sánchez’s wife to testify, instead emphasizing that it is the president who needs to provide explanations. He did not rule out the possibility of Begoña Gómez being called to appear before the investigation committee, despite some within the PP being opposed to this.

Feijóo made it clear that the PP would repeal the national memory law if they were to come to power, due to their belief that a law supported by EH Bildu does not accurately reflect Spain’s history. He emphasized that Francoism was a dictatorship and ETA was a terrorist group, pushing back against the government’s dealings with Arnaldo Otegi’s party. Feijóo criticized the government for allegedly whitewashing Bildu, suggesting that there was no longer any association between the party and ETA, which officially disbanded in 2018. The PP leader’s remarks come amidst a wave of criticism from several regional leaders within his party against the memory law.

Feijóo’s comments were made as he prepared to travel to Barcelona to present the PP’s candidacy for the upcoming elections on May 12th. He rejected the idea of a new referendum for Catalan independence, stating that the secession process has reached its peak due to the pardons and potential amnesties being granted. Feijóo accused the candidate for the Catalan Socialist Party (PSC), Salvador Illa, of colluding with the independence forces, equating him with the Spanish prime minister, Pedro Sánchez. Feijóo reiterated his firm stance against any form of secession referendum, emphasizing that such actions are unacceptable regardless of the model proposed.

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