The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, wants the European elections on June 9 to be seen as a second round of the general elections of June 23 of just a year ago. He expressed this on Sunday in Málaga, where he also pointed to Pedro Sánchez as the one responsible for dividing the Spanish people and wanting to censor the media. Feijóo highlighted that the European elections are an opportunity to express opinions on issues that have been endured for years, contrary to commitments and votes, against freedom, equality, and dignity. He emphasized the importance of upholding the values of a free and equal Spain for all citizens.

Feijóo chose to hold this event in Málaga as an example of successful municipal management by the PP, pointing to the mayor Francisco de la Torre who has been in office for 24 years. He commemorated the victories of the party in last year’s municipal elections, reiterating commitments made to the Spanish people and contrasting them with the failures of the PSOE. Feijóo accused Sánchez of being responsible for polarization and division in Spain and emphasized the need for humility, collaboration, and less division in government.

The PP leader criticized Sánchez for sidelining those who oppose the government and attempting to control all state institutions, limit judicial capacity, and suppress media and opposition voices. He accused the government of seeking to censor the media, highlighting the importance of press freedom in a democratic society. Feijóo rejected the notion of institutions being politically dependent and affirmed the PP’s commitment to freedom of speech and diverse opinions. Despite this, the PP has been selective in granting interviews to media outlets they perceive as biased, choosing journalists from friendly media during press conferences.

Feijóo reiterated his claim that the PP won the previous elections despite claims of defeat. He asserted that the current government power resides in municipalities and autonomous regions mostly governed by the PP, painting Sánchez’s administration as fragmented and dependent. Feijóo called for a large turnout in the upcoming European elections and urged participation in a protest against the proposed amnesty law on May 26 in Madrid. He emphasized the importance of defending democratic rights and resisting any attempts to diminish them through legislation.

In conclusion, Feijóo’s speech in Málaga focused on framing the upcoming European elections as a significant moment for Spanish citizens to reaffirm their commitment to freedom, equality, and dignity. He criticized Sánchez for polarizing society and attempting to control democratic institutions, particularly the media. Feijóo emphasized the need for unity, collaboration, and humility in governance and called for active participation in both the elections and civil society actions. The PP leader’s address reflected the party’s stance on press freedom and democracy while seeking to mobilize support for their vision of a united and prosperous Spain.

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