Pressure is increasing within the Catalan PP party since President Pere Aragonès announced the early elections on May 12th. There is anxiety over a possible agreement with Ciudadanos and debates on whether Alejandro Fernández should lead the party’s list. Fernández received support from Esperanza Aguirre, but Alberto Núñez Feijóo is waiting for negotiations with Ciudadanos to be finalized before announcing the candidate. The priority for the PP is to integrate Ciudadanos under their banner as a symbol of unity in opposition to the amnesty proposed by PSC. Talks continue between high-ranking members of both parties as support grows for Fernández within the Catalan community.

Feijóo’s team firmly rejects a coalition with Ciudadanos in the Catalan and European elections and seeks the dissolution of the party before considering any joint lists. The deadline for candidate registration is April 8th, and current polls do not predict any seats for Ciudadanos in the Parliament. Feijóo aims to send a message beyond Catalonia through this strategy and capitalize on any remaining support for the former party of Inés Arrimadas. The goal is to oppose the separatist agenda of PSC, Esquerra, and Junts, which Feijóo argues are all part of the same movement aiming for institutional rupture. Ciudadanos’ leadership resists integration for now and opposes Vázquez sitting with the European conservatives instead of the liberals, as requested by Génova.

Meanwhile, Fernández maintains his position against Feijóo publically, using an analogy about being flexible yet firm to illustrate his stance. Feijóo’s inner circle emphasizes the importance of results over social media activity. As negotiations with Ciudadanos progress, the party will carefully assess data to determine the most suitable candidate and gauge internal reactions to this significant decision. The support for Fernández on social media from local party members reflects divisions within the party, highlighting the contrast between grassroots members and the leadership aligned with Génova. The rift was evident when Feijóo explored a pact with Junts last year, a move criticized by Fernández.

The fragile truce between parties following the investiture pact between PSOE and Junts has given rise to renewed tensions within the Catalan PP. Fernández’s decision to stay in Catalonia rather than move to Madrid, contrasting with other constitutionalist politicians, has garnered support for his leadership among the party’s base. Aguirre’s endorsement of Fernández underscores his reputation as a defender of the Constitution and a strong candidate for the upcoming elections. The ongoing negotiations with Ciudadanos and the internal dynamics within the PP point towards a challenging road ahead for the party as they navigate alliances and electoral strategies in the lead-up to the May elections.

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