After the European elections where the PP emerged victorious but without a complete majority, Alberto Núñez Feijóo has been pushing for an early election, following in the footsteps of José María Aznar’s famous “Váyase, señor González” moment. Feijóo has been relentless in his calls for Pedro Sánchez to step down, drawing parallels to Aznar’s path to presidency. The PP is preparing a strategy to challenge the progressive government by attempting to break their majority in Congress through alliances with parties like Junts on issues where ideology outweighs territorial concerns. This strategy has already resulted in symbolic victories for the PP in the Parliament.

Despite some within the party suggesting a decrease in pressure on Sánchez to alleviate political tension, the majority of PP leaders believe that maintaining pressure is crucial. With uncertainty surrounding the duration of the current government, Feijóo has urged party members to stay prepared for possible early elections, as he views Sánchez as unpredictable. The potential outcomes of events in Catalonia, a key factor in the government’s stability, further contribute to the need to remain vigilant and ready for any changes that may come.

Feijóo’s recent victory in the European elections has been overshadowed by the ongoing debate surrounding the blockage of the General Council of the Judiciary. As the leader of the blocked party, Feijóo has been forced to engage with the government in negotiations, with the possibility of reaching an agreement in the coming weeks. However, the staunch opposition within his party, particularly in Madrid led by Isabel Díaz Ayuso, complicates the path to any potential agreement, as they are against any compromise with the socialist government.

The recent electoral cycle has taken a toll on Feijóo, as he navigates internal challenges within the party, including the rise of fringe groups like Alvise Pérez’s platform. Feijóo’s fatigue is evident as he faces new obstacles, such as the fragmentation on the right with the emergence of ultra-right movements. Despite publicly attributing the problem to Vox, the PP is concerned about losing potential voters to these new ultra movements. Feijóo, who is perplexed by the rise of these groups, is also wary of the implications they have on the political landscape, prompting him to maintain pressure on the PSOE.

As Feijóo navigates the post-election landscape, uncertainty looms over the future direction of the government and the potential for early elections. With the challenges posed by internal party dynamics and the rise of fringe movements, Feijóo finds himself in a complex political environment, where strategic maneuvering and continuous pressure on the socialist government are essential for the PP’s political survival and future prospects.

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