Alberto Núñez Feijóo inaugurated the new political season of his party as if it were a pre-election rally. He addressed around 2,000 people in Cotobade, Pontevedra, asserting that they will win the elections again and with a sufficient advantage. Feijóo launched a strong attack against the government, focusing on the “separatist quota” referring to the agreement between the PSC and ERC on unique financing. He accused the government of not governing but rather bargaining with the money of Spaniards, stating that with the separatist quota, Sanchez is also governing against his own people. He emphasized the importance of freedom, equality, justice, respect for institutions, and respect for democratic results.

Three of the 11 regional presidents of the PP were present at the event, including the host and Galician president Alfonso Rueda, Carlos Mazón from Valencia, and Alfonso Fernández Mañueco from Castilla y León. The attendance was low as the regional leaders are expected to gather for a summit in Madrid next Friday to strategize opposition to the promised unique financing for Catalonia. Feijóo called for unity within the party, urging the presidents to join forces against the agreement to appoint Salvador Illa as president while they have not yet agreed on a common model for financial system reform. They have not ruled out bilateral negotiations with the First Vice President and Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, for their own debt relief.

Feijóo’s speech in Cotobade was the first public intervention of the PP after his eye surgery and summer break, marked by the discord over unique financing for Catalonia and the tougher stance on migration. Feijóo criticized the government for causing an unprecedented migration crisis and accused them of losing control of the borders and encouraging irregular migration. He also criticized the government for creating a “pull factor” by announcing measures on his African tour as alternative ways to reach Spain. Feijóo believes that the government is cornered by its allies and called for them to step down and call for elections, although he acknowledged that it would require integrity and dignity.

Feijóo expressed confidence that the PP would win the elections again with a sufficient majority to govern effectively. Referring to the last general elections where he won the popular vote but without enough seats for investiture, Feijóo stated that they would be ready to lead the country out of its current decline. He also hinted at the ongoing case against the president’s wife, Begoña Gómez, suggesting that it is easier to enter La Moncloa by winning a university chair than by winning an absolute majority in Galicia. Feijóo promised that if he were to win the elections and be invested, the rule of law would be upheld in Spain across all regions and circumstances, emphasizing the importance of democracy and the state of law.

The PP is gearing up for a tough fight against the government’s policies, especially regarding unique financing for Catalonia, migration control, and the challenges in passing the upcoming budget. Feijóo’s speech marked the beginning of a new political season with a strong message of unity, determination, and a clear vision for the future. The party leaders stand united in their opposition to the current government’s actions and are prepared to lead the country towards a new era of prosperity, fairness, and respect for democratic values.

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