In Germany, according to the Federal Statistical Office, one in five people is at risk of poverty or social exclusion. This amounts to around 17.7 million people, a number that has remained steady from the previous year. This represents 21.2% of the population, with an increase in the percentage of people facing significant material and social deprivation.

In the European Union, a person is considered at risk of poverty or social exclusion if their income falls below the poverty threshold, their household experiences significant material and social deprivation, or they reside in a household with very low employment participation. In 2022, approximately 14.3% of the population, or nearly twelve million people, were at risk of poverty, which was lower than the previous year’s rate of 14.8%.

The poverty threshold is defined as having less than 60% of the median equivalized income of the total population. In Germany, this equated to a net amount of 1310 euros per month after taxes and social contributions for a single person in 2023. For a household of two adults and two children under 14 years old, the threshold was set at 2751 euros per month.

In addition to those at risk of poverty, 6.9% of the population, equivalent to 5.7 million people, experienced significant material and social deprivation in 2023. This meant that their living conditions were significantly restricted due to lack of financial resources. This included being unable to pay bills for rent, mortgages, or utilities, replace worn-out furniture, or afford social outings with friends and family.

Furthermore, 9.8% of the population under 65 years old, or 6.2 million people, lived in households with very low employment participation. This means that household members were minimally or not at all engaged in the labor market. An example cited was a household where one person did not work at all, and the other was employed for only four out of twelve months in the year.

The figures released by the Federal Statistical Office indicate that the number of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion in Germany has remained consistently high, with a significant portion of the population facing financial hardship and limited social opportunities. The data highlights the ongoing challenges faced by a large segment of the population and underscores the need for policies and initiatives to address these issues and support those most vulnerable in society.

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