German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier thanked the trade unions for their efforts in promoting democracy and combatting right-wing extremism. During a meeting with DGB Chairperson Yasmin Fahimi and with works councils in Berlin, he called on them not to relent in these efforts. He emphasized the importance of maintaining momentum in the fight against extremism. Hundreds of thousands of people across Germany took to the streets in the first quarter of the year after reports surfaced of a meeting between right-wing radicals and politicians from the AfD and CDU on the topic of migration. Trade unions also participated in the demonstrations. The German Trade Union Confederation and the Federation of German Employers’ Associations issued a joint statement firmly rejecting right-wing extremists and their goals.

Steinmeier pointed out that not only the Basic Law and the Federal Republic are celebrating their 75th anniversary this year, but also the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB). He highlighted that both the founding of the republic and the founding of the DGB were responses to dictatorship, inhumanity, persecution, and racism. The founding history of the DGB established the commitment to the goal of “never again.” This sentiment is what binds them together as they work towards a more equal and democratic society, free of extremist ideologies. The efforts of the trade unions in defending democracy and promoting tolerance were recognized and commended by the President.

The joint statement by the DGB and the German Employers’ Associations underscores the solidarity and unity in the fight against right-wing extremism and intolerance. The rejection of extremist ideologies and the commitment to upholding democratic values are crucial in ensuring a peaceful and inclusive society. Steinmeier emphasized the importance of standing together against forces that seek to divide and spread hatred. He acknowledged the role of trade unions in mobilizing people and advocating for social justice and equality. The President called for continued vigilance and determination in the face of rising extremism.

The meeting between President Steinmeier, DGB Chairperson Yasmin Fahimi, and works councils in Berlin symbolizes the collaboration between government, trade unions, and workers in safeguarding democracy and promoting social cohesion. The engagement of trade unions in defending democratic principles and standing up against extremism exemplifies the solidarity and unity needed to combat divisive ideologies. As Germany commemorates the 75th anniversary of the Basic Law and the founding of the DGB, it serves as a reminder of the importance of cherishing and protecting democratic values. The commitment to the principles of democracy and human rights remains steadfast in the face of emerging challenges.

President Steinmeier’s recognition of the historical significance of the founding of the Federal Republic and the DGB underscores the shared commitment to upholding democratic values and preventing the reemergence of authoritarianism. The rejection of discrimination, persecution, and inhumanity is a core principle that guides the efforts of trade unions in promoting social justice and equality. The President’s call for continued vigilance and determination serves as a reminder that the fight against extremism is an ongoing struggle that requires collective action and unwavering dedication. In commemorating the anniversaries of pivotal moments in Germany’s history, there is a reaffirmation of the values of democracy and inclusivity that must be upheld and defended by all members of society.

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