The German government has launched its first TikTok channel on Monday under the username @TeamBundeskanzler, with the aim to inform about Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s work and provide a behind-the-scenes look at government activities. This move comes as a response to the declining use of traditional media among young citizens, with TikTok being the most popular app among 14 to 25-year-olds in Germany. The decision to join TikTok reflects a shift in strategy for the government to reach a younger audience who are not engaging with traditional media outlets.

Chancellor Scholz made it clear that he will not be dancing on TikTok, referencing a joke by his spokesperson, Steffen Hebestreit, after the 2021 federal election about him potentially dancing on the platform. Despite previous reservations about TikTok due to its controversial nature and being owned by a Chinese company, the German government decided to join the platform after carefully considering the criticism and the importance of providing reliable information to combat foreign manipulation and disinformation. The decision to join TikTok follows in the footsteps of other international leaders such as US President Joe Biden and French President Emmanuel Macron, who have also established their own TikTok channels.

In order to maintain security and prevent unauthorized access to government data, the @TeamBundeskanzler channel is equipped with special security measures, including the use of separate devices that do not have access to sensitive government information. Government employees at the Federal Press Office are not allowed to use the TikTok app on their work devices. By prioritizing safety and security measures, the government aims to ensure that its presence on TikTok is not compromised by potential security risks and remains a platform for providing accurate and relevant information to the public.

The decision to join TikTok reflects the evolving media landscape and the government’s recognition of the importance of engaging with audiences on popular digital platforms. With more than 20 million German users on TikTok, the government hopes to leverage the platform to connect with younger citizens who are increasingly turning to social media for news and information. The move also aligns with a global trend of political leaders embracing social media to communicate directly with constituents and expand their outreach beyond traditional forms of communication.

As the German government enters the world of TikTok, it acknowledges the need to adapt to changing communication trends and embrace new channels to reach diverse audiences. By being present on TikTok, the government aims to bridge the gap between traditional media and digital platforms, offering a more interactive and engaging way to connect with citizens. This strategic move signifies a shift towards a more dynamic and inclusive approach to communication, demonstrating a willingness to meet audiences where they are and engage with them in innovative ways.

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