Young people leaving the cities of Zittau and Görlitz in Saxony, Germany, has resulted in decaying, abandoned houses and struggling businesses. The rise of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has caused concern among local businesses, who fear the impact the upcoming state elections on September 1st could have on the region. One local business owner, Tuomo Neumann, highlighted the lack of industry and opportunities in the area, leading to an exodus of young people to larger cities. This migration has created a vicious circle of dwindling population, stagnating businesses, and rising dissatisfaction, fueling support for far-right movements.

The far-right presence in cities like Zittau has worsened the situation, with regular anti-government demonstrations and racist attacks driving away young people. Neumann emphasized the need for tougher action against these violent acts, even within local authorities and the police force. The upcoming elections in Saxony could see the AfD and the far-left party Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) surpassing the center-right Christian Democrats (CDU). However, concerns are raised about potential coalitions between the far-right and far-left parties and the potential impact on public funding for initiatives and organizations relying on grants.

In Görlitz, another city in Saxony, the sentiment among local business owners reflects similar concerns about the rise of populist parties like the AfD. Tour guide Frank Vater highlighted the dangers of mainstream parties adapting far-right policies in response to populism, urging for a clear stance against fascism. While Görlitz has seen some positive developments and an increase in population, unrest and support for the far-right remain prevalent. Anger towards the federal government has influenced local politics, with issues being blamed on current policymakers and immigrants.

The local politics in Saxony are seen as a way to influence policymakers in the capital and send a strong message about the region’s desire for peace and opposition to war. Despite the challenges faced by the region, Vater emphasized the need for individuals to take responsibility for solving issues, rather than blaming politicians or immigrants. Drawing parallels between the reasons for migration during Germany’s reunification and current immigration issues, he highlighted the common desire for a better life and the need for understanding and empathy towards those seeking refuge or opportunities. The upcoming elections in Saxony will have a significant impact on the region and could shape the future of local businesses and residents.

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