FBI Director Christopher Wray has expressed growing concerns about the possibility of a coordinated attack within the United States, following an ISIS assault on a concert hall in Moscow that left 145 people dead. Wray will warn lawmakers about the potential for individuals or small groups to draw inspiration from events in the Middle East to carry out attacks at home, as well as the threat of a coordinated attack similar to the recent ISIS-K attack in Russia. He will address these concerns during his testimony to a House Appropriations subcommittee.

The attack in Moscow on March 22 involved four gunmen affiliated with ISIS-K, a terrorist group operating primarily in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Despite US officials allegedly warning the Kremlin beforehand, Russian officials did not take sufficient action to prevent the attack. Wray’s testimony on the FBI’s fiscal year 2025 budget request will underscore the heightened threat environment and the need for continued vigilance and resources to keep Americans safe from potential attacks.

Wray will stress the importance of Congress renewing Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which is set to expire on April 19. He will emphasize that FISA renewal is critical for securing the nation and combating threats to national security. However, a recent effort to advance a renewal of the surveillance authority was derailed on the House floor when 19 Republicans voted against it. Wray will describe the need for FISA renewal as crucial and express that the nation is in a “crunch time” as the deadline approaches.

The FBI Director’s testimony comes at a time of heightened concerns and threats to public safety and national security. Wray will recall his long career in law enforcement and note that there has been a simultaneous elevation of numerous threats posing risks to Americans. He will stress that this is not a time to let up in efforts to combat terrorism and protect the country, highlighting the need for support from lawmakers and access to all necessary tools, resources, and personnel to address these ongoing threats effectively.

The background of Wray’s testimony includes some House Republicans expressing unease and dissatisfaction with the FBI, with suggestions to defund the agency over alleged bias against conservatives. Despite these tensions and challenges, Wray will continue to advocate for the FBI’s vital role in national security and the need for bolstering resources to tackle evolving threats. His testimony is expected to address concerns about potential surveillance lapses and emphasize the importance of congressional support in renewing critical national security provisions like FISA to address contemporary threats effectively.

In conclusion, FBI Director Christopher Wray’s testimony to lawmakers will underscore the pressing need to address growing threats of terrorism and potential attacks, both domestically and internationally. As the nation faces escalating risks to public safety and national security, Wray will emphasize the importance of maintaining essential surveillance authorities like FISA to combat evolving threats effectively. Despite challenges like alleged bias and funding concerns, Wray will call for unity and support in equipping the FBI to address the complex threat environment and ensure the safety of Americans at home and abroad.

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