Dr. Anthony Fauci, former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, is facing renewed scrutiny from Republicans after emails from his former senior adviser, Dr. David Morens, were combed through by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. The committee, led by Republican Representative Brad Wenstrup, alleges that the evidence raises serious questions about whether Fauci was involved in a conspiracy within the NIH to hide official records related to the origins of COVID-19. The emails suggest that Fauci was aware of Morens’ behavior and may have engaged in federal records violations himself. Some Republicans believe the virus originated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, rather than through species-to-species transmission, which is widely supported in the scientific community.

Subcommittee chairman Wenstrup has been investigating the virus’s origins for almost a year and released a 35-page memo referencing thousands of email correspondences obtained from Morens, who served as Fauci’s senior adviser from 1998 to 2022. The evidence in the memo incriminates Morens for deleting federal COVID-19 records, using personal emails to avoid FOIA requests, and acting unbecoming of a federal employee. The emails mentioned secret back channels and private emails with Fauci, raising questions about whether Fauci was involved in a conspiracy to hide official records related to COVID-19 origins. Morens was also instructed on how to make emails disappear after being subjected to FOIA requests.

The press release from the committee emphasized the serious nature of the allegations against Morens, suggesting that he engaged in serious misconduct and potentially illegal actions. Morens’ lawyer defended his client as a career public servant focused on finding solutions to public health issues through science and free from politics. The committee’s findings were presented in a press release and during a subcommittee hearing where Wenstrup emphasized the importance of preventing federal health officials from subverting the government in the future. Some commentators and politicians, such as Senator Rand Paul, have compared Morens to Fauci’s “fixer” and accused Fauci of deleting records and using secret back channels to evade transparency.

Fauci had previously faced criticism for the NIH’s funding of EcoHealth Alliance, which then sent money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology for bat coronavirus research. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recently suspended funding to EcoHealth. The controversy surrounding Fauci and Morens has sparked debates online, with some labeling the situation as corruption and accusing Fauci of unethical behavior. The subcommittee investigation into Morens’ actions and potential involvement in a conspiracy has reignited concerns about the transparency and accountability of federal health officials. Fauci is scheduled to testify before the subcommittee, and the outcome of the investigation could have significant implications for the public’s trust in government health institutions.

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