The father of an Israeli-American hostage being held by Hamas demanded a negotiated agreement to secure the release of his son and other hostages, stating that the only way to bring them home alive is through some sort of negotiation. There are still seven U.S. citizens being held as hostages by Hamas, and the father emphasized the urgency of the situation, especially after recent murders of hostages. The Israeli government has been urged to stop pursuing a total victory over Hamas through military means, as it has not resulted in the safe return of the hostages. The father criticized the government’s strategy and called for a change in approach to prioritize the hostages’ safety.

President Biden and Vice President Harris, along with the U.S. negotiating team, are set to meet in the Situation Room to discuss efforts to secure the release of the remaining hostages. This comes after the murder of six hostages, including an American citizen, by Hamas. The meeting aims to drive towards a deal that will lead to the safe return of all hostages, both American and Israeli. Meanwhile, protests have erupted in Israel following the return of bodies of hostages from Gaza, with frustration and anger directed towards the government for failing to achieve a ceasefire deal that would release the remaining hostages.

The Biden administration has been praised for its support since the crisis began in October, and the father of the Israeli-American hostage believes that the administration has done all it can to facilitate an agreement between Israel and Hamas. He emphasized the need for a final push to convince both parties to agree to end the situation and bring the hostages home. The father highlighted the efforts of the U.S., Qatar, and Egypt in brokering the agreement and stressed the importance of getting to a resolution to end the crisis and ensure the safe return of all hostages.

Despite the ongoing negotiations, Hamas has rejected recent proposals for a deal. The father of the hostage argued that the complete eradication of Hamas should not be a sticking point for reaching an agreement. He pointed out that Hamas’s control over Gaza has significantly weakened, making it no longer a valid excuse to prolong the situation. The father criticized the Israeli government for hesitating to complete a deal and urged them to prioritize the hostages’ safety over political considerations. He highlighted the support of the U.S. administration and Congress in working towards a resolution and bringing an end to the crisis.

As protests and disruptions continue in Israel, the pressure is mounting on the government to secure the release of the remaining hostages. A general strike has been called for in protest of the government’s failure to free the hostages held in Gaza, leading to closures and disruptions across the country. The father of the hostage reiterated the need for a swift resolution to the crisis and stressed the importance of all parties coming to an agreement to ensure the safe return of the hostages. Despite the challenges and rejection of proposals by Hamas, the father remains hopeful that a negotiated agreement can be reached to bring an end to the ordeal and reunite the hostages with their families.

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