Luxury real estate developer Mohamed Hadid, father of models Bella and Gigi Hadid, has been sending racist and homophobic messages to Rep. Ritchie Torres. Torres became a target for Hadid after defending Israel following a Hamas attack. Hadid, who is Palestinian, has been living in a $4.5 million home in Beverly Hills. In the messages, Hadid called Torres derogatory names and made racially charged comments, including comparing him to rats and suggesting he dress as a member of the Ku Klux Klan.

Torres, who made history as the first openly gay African American and Hispanic member of Congress, has been vocal about his support for Israel. Hadid accused Torres of being a mouthpiece for Israel and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a pro-Israel lobbying group. Hadid also made inflammatory remarks about Israelis and President Biden, calling him a “Zionist criminal” who would be hunted down like the Nazis.

Bella and Gigi Hadid have also been active in supporting the Palestinian cause, with Bella participating in protests and speaking out about her Palestinian heritage. Gigi’s social media posts in support of Palestinians have drawn criticism from the Israeli government. Despite the Hadids’ stance, Torres has stood by his support for Israel while other Democrats have faced scrutiny for their responses to pro-Hamas activism among their base.

Torres has vowed not to be intimidated by Hadid’s bigotry and racist insults. He stated that Hadid’s attacks reveal a troubling reality in politics – that people of color who support Israel are targets for racist attacks. Hadid did not respond to requests for comment, leaving his actions and comments unanswered. Torres has remained steadfast in his support for Israel and his refusal to back down in the face of bigotry and discrimination.

The situation involving Mohamed Hadid, Rep. Ritchie Torres, and the Hadid sisters highlights the complex intersection of politics, race, and international relations. Hadid’s offensive messages to Torres shine a light on the racism and discrimination that people of color can face, especially when their political beliefs differ from those of their own ethnic community. It also underscores the challenges faced by public figures who speak out on controversial issues and the importance of standing up against bigotry and hate.

In conclusion, the ongoing controversy involving Hadid, Torres, and the Hadid sisters underscores the need for open dialogue and understanding in discussing contentious issues such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Torres’ unwavering support for Israel in the face of racism and discrimination is a testament to his commitment to principles and values. The situation also serves as a reminder of the power of words and the impact they can have on individuals and communities, and the need for respect and civility in public discourse.

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