In Indiana, a father who tragically lost his youngest son to a fentanyl overdose is now running for Congress in the hopes of preventing other families from experiencing the same devastating loss. Jamison Carrier, a local businessman with no prior political experience, is deeply concerned about the border crisis under President Biden, which he believes has exacerbated the issue of fentanyl poisoning in the country. Carrier has described the urgency of addressing this crisis, as over 300 Americans are dying daily from fentanyl poisoning.
Carrier entered the race for Indiana’s 6th Congressional District following the announcement by Republican Rep. Greg Pence that he would not seek re-election. With the seat considered solidly Republican, Carrier is focusing on policies and issues that matter to the people in the district rather than running against any specific opponent. His top priority is addressing the impact of the border crisis on American society, which he views as a targeted attack from China. Carrier has criticized the lack of action taken by the federal government to address this issue, emphasizing the need for controlled legal immigration.
The father recounted his son’s struggles with addiction, noting that his family chose not to hide it from the outside world as they knew other families were facing similar challenges. Carrier shared that his son used drugs as a means of coping with life rather than for recreational purposes. Despite the pain of losing his son, Carrier expressed pride in Joey and his impact on others’ lives. He stressed the importance of openly discussing addiction to help other families and prevent further tragedies from occurring.
Carrier’s campaign has garnered attention from national figures, including former Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, who endorsed him as a candidate to succeed Pence. Carrier expressed gratitude for the endorsement and highlighted the resonance of Ramaswamy’s platform with people in the district. He also mentioned endorsements from local business leaders and law enforcement officials as a sign of his campaign’s momentum. With seven candidates in the Republican primary race, the winner will likely become the next representative for the district, as election analysts have rated the race as either “solid” or “safe” Republican.
In his quest for Congress, Carrier is driven by the desire to prevent other families from experiencing the pain and loss that his family has endured. He remains focused on addressing the border crisis and its impact on American communities, particularly in relation to the flow of fentanyl into the country. Through his candid discussions about addiction and his advocacy for solutions to the crisis, Carrier seeks to bring about meaningful change that will protect families from the devastating consequences of drug overdoses. With his campaign gaining momentum and support from various quarters, Carrier aims to bring attention to this critical issue and make a positive difference in his community and beyond.