John Phillips, a UK resident, is known for his unusual travel habit of bringing all his favorite foods from home on vacation. He spends around $400 to bring a suitcase filled with noodles, chips, a George Foreman Grill, and other foods to enjoy while traveling. During a trip to Egypt, he and his wife brought 21 cups of instant noodles, 86 bags of chips, bacon, sausages, tuna, cheese, and other snacks. They also packed a George Foreman Grill to make sandwiches while abroad. This unusual habit has cost the family around $380 on top of the cost of their all-inclusive vacation package.

Rebecca, John’s wife, often finds herself dining alone while on vacation because of her husband’s picky eating habits. John has been known to bring his own food on trips for as long as she can remember, starting with packaged noodles and gradually adding more items such as sweets, breakfast bars, and even meat. Despite the hassle of bringing all this food, Rebecca believes it is worth it because her husband would not enjoy the holiday if he couldn’t eat the food he likes. While John is very particular about his food, he does admit to enjoying the free beer at the all-inclusive resort they stayed at.

John’s refusal to try new foods may seem to go against the spirit of travel, but he is content with bringing his own food and not having to worry about finding suitable meals while away from home. He has been picky about his food choices since he was a little boy, preferring English staples like chips and sausages. While Rebecca has grown accustomed to John’s culinary limitations, she does not foresee him changing his ways anytime soon. For the couple, this has become a normal part of their lifestyle and they have learned to accept it as a unique aspect of their travels. Despite the challenges, they continue to bring their own food on vacations to ensure that John is able to enjoy his favorite meals away from home.

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