A Missouri family gained viral fame after daughter Kelsey Thorne played a prank on her colorblind father, Mike Bone, at an airport. Thorne, along with her mother and brother, pasted stickers on Bone’s luggage before a trip to the Dominican Republic. The stickers featured Bone’s face and a message asking for help in finding his luggage. When Bone went to retrieve his bag from the carousel at the Punta Cana International Airport, bystanders laughed and directed him to his suitcase, much to his confusion. The family had a good laugh over the prank and Thorne shared the incident on TikTok, where it received over 8 million views.

Bone, who works as a realtor, was amused by the prank and even thought about using stickers of his face for his business. Thorne jokingly mentioned in the video that he was lucky to have her as a daughter, and that it was still fun to play pranks on parents even at the age of 30. Thorne admitted that this was her favorite prank on her father and that she would have to come up with an even better one in the future. Despite the downside of having to top this prank, the family enjoyed the experience and the laughter it brought.

The viral video showed Bone’s reactions as he tried to locate his luggage with the help of the large stickers featuring his face. Thorne found joy in seeing the happy and smiling people at the baggage carousel who were more than willing to assist in the prank. The video shared on TikTok captured the memorable moment of Bone being directed to his luggage by amused bystanders. The family, including Thorne’s mother and brother, enjoyed watching Bone’s confusion turn into laughter as he realized he had fallen victim to a hilarious prank.

Thorne described in the video how she managed to pull off the prank by sneaking Bone’s luggage out of the car when he dropped them off at the airport. With her mother distracting Bone, Thorne was able to place the stickers on his suitcase and get it onto the carousel without her father noticing. The family worked together to make the prank a success and thoroughly enjoyed the reactions it elicited from Bone and the people at the airport. Thorne reflected on the creative idea to use stickers of her father’s face on his luggage and admitted that it was her favorite prank on him so far.

The incident showcased the close bond and playful dynamic within the Missouri family, as they all came together to plan and execute the prank on Bone. Thorne shared the video on social media, where it quickly gained attention and went viral for its humor and heartwarming family interaction. The prank not only entertained the family but also brought joy to others at the airport, who were more than willing to participate in the fun by helping Bone locate his luggage. The family’s viral fame brought laughter and positivity to their lives, showing the power of humor and connection in creating memorable moments.

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