Vinnie Jones, a footballer turned actor, was devastated by the death of his wife Tanya in 2019. However, he has found love again with Emma Ford, a script supervisor he met on the set of his reality show “Vinnie Jones in the Country”. The 59-year-old British star shared that he never thought he would be able to love again after losing his late wife, but he is now embracing his new relationship with Emma. Family members of Emma have expressed their joy in seeing the couple’s romance blossom and wish them a lifetime of happiness.

Emma’s family members, including her uncle David Ford, have shown their support for her relationship with Vinnie Jones. They have mentioned how happy they are to see Emma settling down with Vinnie and have hinted at noticing the couple’s growing closeness on the show. Emma’s family, who are from Somerset, have shared their best wishes for the couple and expressed their happiness at seeing them together. Vinnie had previously been open about his grief over Tanya’s death, keeping a love letter from her close to his heart. The letter was a source of comfort to him as it contained a heartfelt message from Tanya before her passing.

Vinnie has revealed that despite still grieving for his late wife, he is learning to enjoy life and the joy of being in love again with Emma. He described his new relationship as “fantastic” and emphasized that he is embracing the happiness that comes with it. The couple’s romance has received the seal of approval from Emma’s family, who have welcomed Vinnie into their lives and expressed their happiness for the couple. Vinnie has shared his journey of coping with grief and finding love again, highlighting the importance of cherishing those moments of joy amid sadness.

The couple’s relationship has been met with positivity and well-wishes from Emma’s family, who have praised Emma for being a kind and lovely person. They have mentioned that Emma often travels with Vinnie and splits her time between the UK and America. Vinnie has spoken about the impact that Tanya’s death had on him and how he carries her memory with him through the love letter she wrote before her passing. Despite the challenges of losing a loved one, Vinnie has managed to find happiness again with Emma, and both of them are looking forward to building a future together.

Vinnie Jones and Emma Ford’s romance has been a source of joy and hope for both of them as they navigate life after loss. Vinnie’s openness about his grief and journey towards healing has resonated with many, and his ability to find love again has inspired others in similar situations. Emma’s family’s acceptance and support for the couple’s relationship have further strengthened their bond and added to the happiness they share. As Vinnie and Emma continue to explore their relationship and create new memories together, they are grateful for the love and blessings that have come their way.

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