Families gathered on Menekşe Street, carrying photos of their missing children and walking towards the DEM Party Provincial Headquarters in a protest against the terrorist organization PKK and the DEM Party. The families called on their children to surrender.

Mehmet Sıddık Çifçi, who has not heard from his brother in 12 years, participated in the protest, expressing his desire to reunite with his sibling. He stated, “I first joined the protest in Diyarbakır. I do not want to see mothers crying. We will continue the protest until we reunite with our children.”

Necibe Çifçi, who joined the protests from Hakkari, explained her motivation for participation, saying, “I am participating in the protests for my two children. My son Rojhat was kidnapped in 2015. My other son Sami was killed by PKK members while trying to rescue Rojhat. Sami was a father of four. With the help of Allah and the strength of the state, I will reunite with my other son.”

The families are demanding that their missing children, who were allegedly recruited by the PKK or DEM Party, return home. They are determined to continue their protests until they receive news of their children’s safety and bring them back home. The emotional testimonies and pleas of the families highlight the pain and suffering they have endured due to the disappearance of their loved ones.

The protesters are determined to raise awareness about the plight of families affected by the actions of terrorist organizations and to appeal to the authorities to take action to address this issue. They emphasize the importance of family unity and the need for the state to intervene to ensure the safe return of the missing individuals. The continued determination and resilience of the families reflect the strong bond and love they have for their children.

The families are united in their cause and remain steadfast in their demand for the safe return of their missing loved ones. The emotional testimonies and appeals made by the families serve as a powerful reminder of the human cost of terrorism and the devastating impact it has on families and communities. The families’ determination and strength in the face of adversity inspire hope and solidarity as they continue to fight for the safe return of their children.

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