In Austin, Texas, the John Paul II Life Center, established by two married couples in 2010, recently opened an expanded facility to meet the increasing demand for its services. The center focuses on providing holistic care to women experiencing crisis pregnancies, including free pregnancy tests, sonograms, and client advocates to guide them through their options. The center does not discriminate based on race, religion, or circumstances, serving women from all walks of life, most of whom are low income or immigrants. Once confirmed pregnant, women can receive prenatal care for free at the Vitae Clinic or another doctor of their choice.

The Vitae Clinic, a Catholic-based OBGYN practice located alongside the JPII Center, uses Natural Procreative Technology to provide tailored care that addresses the root causes of medical issues. The clinic serves both under-insured and insured patients, with revenue from the latter covering operating expenses for the clinic and medical services for JPII clients. The unique model of the Vitae Clinic allows it to stay financially afloat while serving those in need. The connection with the clinic also ensures access to medical personnel such as OB/GYNs, nurses, sonographers, and client advocates, providing vulnerable women with support in making informed decisions about their unplanned pregnancies.

Beyond pregnancy help and prenatal care, the JPII Center offers additional programs such as Work Wheels, which assists women with car repairs or purchases for safe transportation to work, and assistance with rent and utilities. The goal of these services is to provide hope for the future and help women achieve financial stability. The center has seen success in transitioning women off of assistance and onto a path of self-sustainability. With the demand for its services increasing, the JPII Center plans to triple the number of women served in 2021 in 2024, due to factors such as job insecurity, inflation, and population growth in Central Texas.

Women who come to the JPII Center are often abortion vulnerable, with many having had one or more abortions in the past. These women may feel that abortion is their only option due to their circumstances, but upon learning about the resources available to them, they feel empowered to choose life for their unborn children. The center hopes to replicate its holistic care model across the country, working with other centers in different states to provide essential services and education to empower women to make informed decisions about their pregnancies. The JPII Center believes that its programs can engage communities across the country and inspire other states to provide practical solutions and life-affirming choices for pregnant women in need.

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