The jury responsible for deciding whether Eugenio D. was guilty of the rape and murder of Manuela Chavero in Monesterio in 2016 reached a unanimous decision in less than seven hours. They agreed that the accused sexually assaulted his neighbor and then decided to kill her to cover up his crime, leaving her with no chance to defend herself or seek help. They also agreed that he did not cooperate with the investigation by keeping the body buried on his property for four years until he finally confessed under pressure from the Guardia Civil. This verdict paves the way for a life sentence that will be handed down by the judge in the coming days.

Eugenio D. listened quietly as the jury spokesperson answered the questions regarding the verdict, appearing downtrodden and silent, a demeanor he maintained throughout the trial. The jury’s unanimous decision suggests minimal debate among its members. They argued that it was murder, highlighting the accused’s physical superiority and the isolated, closed environment in which the crime took place, preventing the victim from calling for help. They also noted the excessive pain inflicted on the victim, pointing to multiple fractures that were deemed unnecessary for causing her death. Additionally, there were suspicions that he may have crushed her with his knee. Manuela Chavero, 42 at the time of her disappearance, vanished from her home in Extremadura one July morning, leaving behind an active TV and her phone on the table. Her whereabouts remained a mystery for four years, during which several suspects were considered by the Guardia Civil before focus shifted to Eugenio D., who lived just 100 meters away.

The investigation revealed damning evidence, including manually reconnecting power in the house where the crime occurred the night Manuela vanished, driving near the area with a car that was later altered to avoid identification, and exchanging degrading messages with prostitutes. One woman also testified to being subjected to violence by Eugenio during a sexual encounter. Following his arrest, he led authorities to Manuela’s burial site on one of his properties. Only bones remained due to the passage of time, but it was determined that she had been buried naked. The prosecution faced the challenge of proving rape and murder without direct evidence, a task that was achieved with the jury’s decisive verdict. The spokesperson emphasized the sexual motive and the accused’s distorted concept of sexual freedom, leading to the fatal outcome. The verdict also acknowledged the gender-based aggravation, recognizing the victim’s gender as a factor in the crime.

The jury rejected all mitigating factors requested by the defense. They dismissed the idea of reparations to the family, as the accused had only paid a fraction of the requested amount, and denied the argument of cooperation in clarifying the events, citing the accused’s changing testimony, false device information, car modifications, and attempts to cover up the burial site. The swift decision of the jury after a brief deliberation underscores the weight of the evidence presented in court and the severity of the charges against Eugenio D. The verdict not only holds him accountable for the brutal assault and murder of Manuela Chavero but also exposes his disregard for justice and human life. The upcoming sentencing will determine the final chapter in this tragic case that has left a community in mourning and seeking closure.

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