Shay Mitchell’s blue-gray Birkin bag is a treasure trove of essential items. It serves as a pharmacy, candy store, beauty supply closet, library, condiment station, fashion emergency kit, and even houses more phone chargers than necessary. The actor and BÉIS founder discovered her Mary Poppins-esque bag in a vintage store and added her own touch with a silver Chrome Hearts charm. The size of the bag is perfect for her frequent travels.

As a mother of two, Mitchell has turned her bag into a well-stocked Mom Mobile. She carries a variety of items, including wet wipes, snacks, and organic gummy candy for her sweet tooth and as bribery for her kids. Mitchell, who is conscious of how motherhood has affected her skin, keeps a khaki baseball cap handy for sun protection. A good hat, according to her, should be adjustable and have a brim.

Another special item in Mitchell’s bag is a priceless gift from her late grandmother: a drawing of her grandma and daughter, Atlas, with a personalized message on the back. Although she doesn’t read the message to avoid tears, Mitchell treasures the sentimental value of the drawing. Despite the sentimental items in her bag, she does not carry a photo of her and her grandmother on the red carpet of Mother’s Day, as those photos will always hold a special place in her heart.

Mitchell’s Birkin bag is a reflection of the multifaceted role she plays as an actor, mother, and entrepreneur. It symbolizes her ability to carry various items needed for different situations, from personal care products to snacks for her children. The bag also represents her close relationship with her late grandmother, evident through the cherished drawing she keeps inside. Mitchell’s bag is not just a fashion accessory but a practical tool that helps her navigate the demands of her busy life.

Despite the busy life that Mitchell leads, she still finds time to appreciate the sentimental value of the items in her bag. The drawing from her grandmother serves as a reminder of the love and memories they shared, while the absence of a photo of her and her grandmother on the red carpet signifies the personal significance of those moments. Mitchell’s bag is not just a collection of items but a collection of memories and emotions that make it truly special to her.

In conclusion, Shay Mitchell’s blue-gray Birkin bag is a versatile and practical accessory that reflects her role as an actor, mother, and entrepreneur. It is filled with essential items for various situations, ranging from personal care products to snacks for her children. The special items in the bag, such as the drawing from her late grandmother, add a sentimental touch to its contents. Despite the busy nature of her life, Mitchell takes the time to appreciate the sentimental value of the items in her bag and the memories they represent. The bag is not just a fashion statement but a reflection of Mitchell’s life and the relationships that hold importance to her.

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