Labor Day weekend is just around the corner and is expected to be one of the busiest times for travel. Last year, the Fourth of July holiday weekend saw a record-breaking number of travelers, with more than 3 million people passing through airport security, and it is predicted that the upcoming Labor Day weekend will see similar numbers. Traveling on the not-so-popular days can save time, money, and stress, and allow for a smoother time at the airport.

A new analysis by NerdWallet found the best and worst days to fly for Labor Day weekend by examining Transportation Security Administration (TSA) data. The Friday before Labor Day has been identified as the single busiest day for air travel over the past three years during the seven-day time period before and after Labor Day. Similarly, Labor Day Monday has been the busiest day for the seven-day period starting on Labor Day and spanning the subsequent days over the past three years. Utilizing this data, the best and worst days to travel have been ranked based on an average of data from the past four years.

According to the analysis, the least crowded days to travel are the Tuesday before, the Wednesday before, and the Saturday before Labor Day. On the other hand, the least crowded days post-holiday are the Saturday after, the Wednesday after, and the Tuesday after Labor Day. To ensure a stress-free and cost-effective travel experience, NerdWallet recommends following a “smarter, cheaper” Labor Day weekend travel itinerary. This itinerary suggests flying out on the Tuesday or Wednesday before Labor Day, traveling on Saturday morning instead of Friday afternoon, and flying home on Sunday rather than Labor Day Monday.

In terms of the most to least crowded days for the week surrounding Labor Day, the analysis has identified the following rankings: Friday before Labor Day as the most crowded, Labor Day Monday, Sunday after, Thursday before, Friday after, Monday after, Thursday after, Monday before, Tuesday after, Sunday before, Saturday before, Wednesday before, Wednesday after, Saturday after, and Tuesday before as the least crowded day. By planning travel around these rankings, travelers can potentially avoid the stress and chaos of peak travel times.

In conclusion, the upcoming Labor Day weekend is expected to be a busy time for travel, with similar numbers of travelers as seen during the Fourth of July holiday weekend. By analyzing TSA data, NerdWallet has identified the best and worst days to fly, as well as a “smarter, cheaper” travel itinerary for Labor Day weekend. Traveling during the least crowded days can help save time and money while also reducing stress during the airport experience. Follow these tips to ensure a smooth and enjoyable travel experience during the upcoming Labor Day weekend.

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