Terror experts are warning of a dangerously high level of threat for a major terror event to take place on U.S. soil, with cities like New York City and Washington, D.C. being particularly vulnerable. Despite increased surveillance and airport security since 9/11, the world has changed considerably with technological advancements, fast internet, and America’s open borders allowing millions of unvetted individuals from around the world to enter the country.

Paul Mauro, a retired NYPD inspector with extensive experience in counterterrorism, emphasizes a criminal context for assessing the risk of potential new attacks, focusing on who has the means, motive, and opportunity to execute a deadly plot. He points out the smaller and more connected world since 9/11, with advanced technologies like drones, internet connectivity, AI capabilities, and the rise of terrorist groups developing new capabilities since the attacks.

Threats are expected to originate from various hotspots globally, such as the Middle East, where Iran seeks revenge for the killing of Qasem Soleimani, leading to increased tensions. Motivations from ongoing conflicts in regions like Israel and Ukraine as well as the presence of nuclear-capable countries like Russia pose significant concerns for security experts. Mauro highlights the opportunity for terrorists at the southern border due to millions of unvetted individuals entering the country, presenting a seamless way to infiltrate assets into the U.S.

Former CIA Deputy Director Mike Morrell echoes concerns about the terror threat posed by vulnerabilities at the U.S.-Mexico border, emphasizing that the situation is a significant concern. FBI Director Christopher Wray and U.S. Central Command Gen. Michael Kurilla highlight the threats posed by terrorist groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS, including ISIS-K operating in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Security forces have been actively engaging in operations to combat these groups and prevent potential attacks.

Wray underscores the increasing concern about a coordinated attack in the homeland, similar to recent incidents observed in other countries, urging for readiness and preparedness to prevent such events from occurring. Attorney General Merrick Garland also raised alarms about the heightened terror threat level, signaling the need for enhanced security measures to mitigate risks. Major cities like New York City and Washington, D.C. remain top targets for potential terrorist attacks, with bio-chem attacks being a significant concern due to their potential for mass casualties and contamination.

Mauro emphasizes the unpredictability of the type of terror attack that could occur, pointing out that a bio-chem event is considered the “Holy Grail” due to its potential for devastating impact. He warns about the nightmare scenario of a bio-chem attack in enclosed environments, which could result in significant casualties and widespread panic. By addressing the risks associated with various types of attacks and remaining vigilant against evolving threats, security experts aim to prevent any major terror events from taking place on U.S. soil.

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