An evaluation conducted by a group of non-governmental national security experts has revealed that the United States is not adequately prepared to counter the threats posed by its top adversaries, particularly China. The bipartisan commission found that after decades of post-Cold War policies that reduced defense spending, the U.S. is ill-prepared to engage in a potential multi-front war against countries like China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia. The commission emphasized that the lack of preparedness is not the fault of a single administration but rather a failure of a generation of leaders to identify and address the growing danger posed by authoritarian nations. The experts warned that the U.S. and its allies are facing a threat not seen since WWII and urged for better education of the American public to understand the severity of the situation.

The commission highlighted the decrease in defense spending in the U.S., with only 3% of GDP allocated for defense compared to nearly 17% in 1952. Despite efforts to increase weapons stockpiles following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the U.S. would likely exhaust its munitions inventories within weeks if engaged in open conflict with Beijing. The experts stressed that preparing for defense is crucial to deter conflict, and the cost of defense would pale in comparison to the cost of war. They warned that modern wars, as seen in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Ukraine, are lengthy engagements, and the U.S. must ready its forces and industrial base for potential protracted conflict. There was also emphasized the importance of addressing the cultural shift needed in the defense sector to compete with adversaries like China.

Experts pointed out that China has gained an edge over the U.S. by investing in technology sectors, building relationships globally, and controlling critical minerals required for various industries, including defense. In contrast, there has been a rise in isolationism within some circles in the U.S., reminiscent of sentiments before World War II. The experts stressed the need for strong leadership and better education of the American public to prevent the country from being drawn into another global conflict. Both the Biden-Harris administration and the Trump campaign were briefed on the commission’s findings, with former President Donald Trump dismissing the report as “stupid.” The experts expressed concern about the lack of understanding and urgency among political leaders and the public.

The commission reiterated that the American people need to be better educated by their leadership to make informed decisions about national security matters. Despite briefing both the current administration and a former president, there has been little public response to the findings. The experts expressed alarm that the country may be heading towards a historic catastrophe if immediate action is not taken to address the growing threats posed by adversarial nations. They emphasized the urgent need for leadership and understanding among policymakers and the public to avert a potential global conflict.

The experts stressed the importance of shifting the culture within the defense sector and increasing investments in security to adequately counter the threats posed by authoritarian nations. They warned that the U.S. is in danger of sleepwalking into a major crisis and emphasized the need for a national awakening to the severity of the situation. Urgent action is required to address the lack of preparedness and to ensure that the U.S. is ready to defend against potential adversaries on multiple fronts. The commission urged all stakeholders, including policymakers, the public, and leaders in Washington, to play their part in addressing the growing national security threats before it’s too late.

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