The announcement of Robert Kennedy, Jr.’s independent presidential candidacy and his selection of Nicole Shanahan as his running mate has sparked backlash from the Democratic Party. Despite being from a prominent Democratic family, Kennedy has been labeled a “spoiler” by party members who fear he could draw support away from President Biden. Some Democratic strategists have taken to social media to attack Kennedy, accusing Shanahan of buying her spot on the ticket and claiming they are working to keep Kennedy off state ballots. Polls have shown that Kennedy, along with fellow independent candidates Jill Stein and Dr. Cornel West, could potentially pull significant support from both Biden and Trump.

Some experts believe that the efforts by the Democratic Party to keep Kennedy out of the primary and off the ballot as a third-party candidate are contradictory to their stated goal of protecting democracy. Republican strategist Marc Lotter compared the treatment of Kennedy to the actions taken against Donald Trump, suggesting that Democrats are attempting to limit choices at the ballot box in order to maintain power. The concern from Democrats stems from demographics within the party that are shifting toward Kennedy’s positions, particularly among young voters, self-described moderates, and minorities.

Independent candidate Robert Kennedy, Jr.’s refusal of Secret Service protection from the Biden administration has been seen as evidence of how far he has fallen out of favor with the Democratic Party. Kennedy’s candidacy has caused internal panic within the party, with some members of the Kennedy family even posting a photo with President Biden at the White House on St. Patrick’s Day, possibly as a jab at Kennedy and his campaign. Democratic strategists like Lis Smith have been active on social media attacking Kennedy and attempting to tie him to Donald Trump, while also accusing Shanahan of buying her way onto the ticket.

Republican strategist David Avella points to the history of third-party candidates like Ralph Nader and Jill Stein as reasons for the Democratic Party’s fear of Kennedy’s candidacy and their attempts to prevent him from appearing on the general election ballot in key states. Avella believes that Kennedy’s appeal to demographics that have been turning away from Biden, such as young voters and minorities, is causing concern within the party. The party’s efforts to undermine democracy by limiting ballot choices is seen as a desperate attempt to maintain power in the face of a challenging political landscape.

Kennedy’s entrance into the presidential race as an independent candidate has thrown the Democratic Party into a state of internal crisis, as they seek to prevent him from drawing support away from President Biden. Despite being from a prominent Democratic family, Kennedy has faced attacks and accusations from within the party, with some suggesting that his candidacy is a threat to the democratic process. The party’s efforts to keep Kennedy off state ballots and undercut his campaign reflect their deep-seated concerns about his appeal to demographics that have been turning away from Biden, potentially making him a significant threat in key battleground states.

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