A mini heatwave in the UK is causing temperatures to soar, potentially putting plants at risk. Watering plants during the day is a common mistake that can lead to their demise, as water is lost to evaporation. The best time to water plants is early in the morning, between 5:00 and 9:00 am. This allows the plants to dry off quickly and reduces the risk of fungal diseases. Gardening experts also recommend moving container plants to shaded areas to prevent them from drying out. Overwatering the lawn during a heatwave can do more harm than good, so minimal watering once a week is advised.

Another essential tip for protecting plants during a heatwave is using mulch to retain moisture in the soil. Dry grass clippings and light-colored pots are recommended to keep the plants hydrated and cool. Summer houses should be equipped with air vents and UV-resistant varnish to mitigate high temperatures. Buying the right pots for your plants can also make a significant difference in maintaining their health. Gardening experts emphasize the importance of these measures to ensure that plants survive the scorching temperatures.

Alison Hammond, a presenter on This Morning, has been praised for her comfortable day-to-night summer dress, which is currently on sale. The dress offers a versatile option for summer wear, transitioning easily from casual daytime outings to evening events. It provides a stylish and comfortable option for hot weather, reflecting Alison’s bubbly and approachable personality. The dress is designed to be flattering and practical, making it a popular choice for those looking to stay cool and chic during the summer months while still being able to enjoy a range of activities.

Ensuring the well-being of plants during a heatwave requires attention to detail and proper care. Experts advise avoiding common mistakes like watering plants during the day, as this can lead to evaporation and fungal diseases. By following simple tips such as watering plants early in the morning, using mulch to retain moisture, and choosing the right pots and containers, gardeners can protect their plants from the damaging effects of high temperatures. These measures can help maintain the health and vitality of gardens, ensuring that they flourish even during challenging weather conditions. By being mindful of plant care, gardeners can enjoy beautiful blooms and lush greenery throughout the summer.

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