Voting in India’s general election has come to a close, with results set to be announced on Tuesday. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is expected to win a third term, with exit polls indicating a comfortable return for his Bharatiya Janata Party. Opposition parties have rallied against Mr. Modi’s divisive politics and management of economic growth, but struggle to make significant gains in Parliament. The election, the largest democratic exercise in the world, saw high turnout despite a deadly heat wave in the north, with at least 19 poll workers dying from complications.

The B.J.P. ran a presidential-style campaign, focusing on Mr. Modi as a popular leader. He held numerous rallies and media interviews in an effort to boost his party’s chances. Critics accused him of prohibited campaigning by retreating to a meditation retreat for two days before the election pause. The opposition, while unified, faced challenges due to arrests and punitive actions, painting Mr. Modi as a friend to billionaires who has failed to create jobs for the youth and marginalized communities. They warned of potential changes to the Constitution that could harm affirmative action programs.

The opposition sought to win over voters with promises of welfare offerings, while Mr. Modi emphasized fiscal prudence and existing programs. He faced criticism for using anti-Muslim rhetoric and was accused of favoring the elite over marginalized groups. Despite some opposition gains, Mr. Modi’s well-funded political machinery and electoral advantage make it difficult to unseat his government. In the last election, his party won a substantial majority of seats. The outcome of the election will have significant implications for India’s future direction.

As the country awaits the election results, the political landscape remains tense and divided. Mr. Modi’s leadership and policies will shape India’s trajectory in the coming years, with implications for social equality, economic growth, and minority rights. The election has been closely watched both domestically and internationally, as India’s role as a major democracy and economic power continues to evolve. The official results will reveal the extent of Mr. Modi’s dominance and the opposition’s ability to challenge his rule. The future direction of India’s government and society hangs in the balance, as the world awaits the outcome of this historic election.

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