Mobility training is an important aspect of fitness that focuses on improving joint function in terms of range of motion and strength. This type of training is essential for overall physical health and should be prioritized in any exercise routine. According to experts, strong mobility allows individuals to be strong within different ranges of motion, which is crucial for preventing injuries and improving overall movement quality. It is just as important as traditional strength exercises like deadlifts and squats, as it helps to ensure that the body can control its own weight effectively.

One simple mobility exercise that everyone should do before going for a walk is an ankle CAR (controlled articular rotation). This exercise involves taking the ankle joint through its full range of motion to improve control and flexibility. By performing ankle CARs, individuals can identify any limitations in their joints and work towards improving them. This exercise is particularly beneficial before a walk, as it helps to prime the body for the various movements involved in walking, such as foot plantar flexion, ankle dorsiflexion, hip flexion and extension, and core stability.

Individuals who experience low back pain, often caused by tight hips from prolonged sitting or intense physical activity, can benefit from the 90-90 stretch. This exercise focuses on hip internal and external rotation to increase range of motion and functionality in the hips, alleviating pressure on the lower back. By incorporating the 90-90 stretch into their routine, individuals can reduce low back pain and improve hip mobility. The stretch involves sitting on the floor with one leg bent in front at a 90-degree angle and the other bent behind at a 90-degree angle, then folding forward over the front leg and repeating the movement.

In addition to the ankle CAR and the 90-90 stretch, there are other simple exercises that can improve mobility for walkers. One such exercise is cat cow, which involves moving between arched and rounded back positions while on all fours to decompress the spine and improve range of motion. Another beneficial exercise is thread the needle, where individuals reach one arm under their body while in a tabletop position, allowing for a gentle spinal rotation. These exercises can be incorporated into a daily routine to enhance mobility and prevent stiffness or discomfort while walking or engaging in other physical activities.

Overall, mobility training is essential for maintaining joint health and improving overall movement quality. By incorporating simple exercises like ankle CARs, the 90-90 stretch, cat cow, and thread the needle into a daily routine, individuals can enhance their mobility, reduce the risk of injuries, and improve their overall physical well-being. It is important to prioritize mobility work alongside traditional strength exercises to ensure a balanced and effective fitness routine that supports long-term health and wellness.

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