A simulation exercise was carried out in order to test the coordination of disaster management processes with the participation of the public power, mutual assistance of support cities, the involvement of AFAD centers in disaster management processes from the moment of the earthquake, and coordination in the exercise held based on the experience gained from the earthquakes centered in Kahramanmaraş on February 6, 2023. Citizens were notified via SMS on their mobile phones.

According to the scenario, an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7, affecting Bursa, Kocaeli, Yalova, Istanbul, and Bilecik with the epicenter in Gemlik, occurred. Immediately, a crisis center was established at the Bursa AFAD Directorate under the leadership of Governor Mahmut Demirtaş.

Governor Demirtaş, in a statement to journalists at the crisis center, said that 39 public institutions and 15 non-governmental organizations participated in the exercise in 5 provinces.

Demirtaş emphasized that the exercise, which started in the morning, proceeded in solidarity and highlighted the importance of being prepared for such disasters. He stated, “God forbid that we face such a disaster, but if it happens, we must be ready for it. We must be aware of our responsibilities. God forbid, when we face such a disaster, our citizens want to see the state by their side immediately.”

Sadi Ergin, the Director General of Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD), reported that they planned to conduct 70 exercises nationwide this year. He emphasized that the exercises aim to be prepared for possible disasters.

In this exercise, the scenario included an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 in Bursa, affecting 5 provinces and 26 districts. The exercise will be conducted continuously and in real-time starting from minute zero. 18 support provinces were assigned to Bursa, Kocaeli, Bilecik, Istanbul (only Tuzla district), and Yalova by AFAD Presidency. During the exercise, a mobile coordination truck under the coordination of AFAD, fixed-winged UAV UÇBEY, and 6 drones are participating.

Ergin added that approximately 7,000 personnel participated in the exercise. Bursa AFAD Director Mehmet Buldan also made a presentation regarding the exercise.

During the exercise, injured individuals trapped in the collapsed buildings in Gemlik were rescued. In Yalova, teams were dispatched to the rubble of 72 “collapsed” buildings where people were trapped.

The exercise in Yalova was conducted with the participation of National Medical Rescue Team (UMKE), AFAD, health teams, gendarmerie, police, fire brigade, and non-governmental organizations under the coordination of the Governor Hülya Kaya. The coordination efforts led by Governor Kaya were managed from the 112 Emergency Call Center.

Based on the information provided by the teams dispatched to the field, a search and rescue operation was initiated for 335 people who were determined to be trapped in the rubble of 72 buildings. Search and rescue, health, and security forces dispatched to the collapsed buildings ensured that the injured individuals were transported to the nearest hospitals. Kaya expressed that the teams successfully carried out their tasks as per the scenario after the earthquake.

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