The Paris Police Prefecture launched a digital platform called Pass Jeux on Friday, May 10th, to facilitate requests for authorization to travel around the city during the upcoming Olympic and Paralympic Games. This platform allows individuals to obtain a derogation to access areas near the event sites and a QR code to access security zones along the Seine River during the days leading up to the opening ceremony. Access to the platform for registration will begin on Monday, May 13th, after a few days for users to familiarize themselves with the rules detailed on the platform.

The platform will prioritize requests for QR codes for the opening ceremony over derogation requests for access to Olympic and Paralympic sites. The red perimeters defined around the event sites will only restrict motorized access, while pedestrians, cyclists, and scooter riders will be able to move freely within these areas. Certain professions such as restaurateurs, hoteliers, doctors, and service providers will be granted derogations to access these red zones with vehicles. The Pass Jeux, in the form of a QR code or digital certificate, has been introduced to manage these access permissions, ensuring that essential services can continue undisturbed.

For the opening ceremony, stricter access controls will be implemented along the Seine for both motorized and non-motorized individuals. To enter these areas, individuals must have a valid reason such as being a resident, worker, hotel guest, or someone with a booking. Each request for access will undergo an administrative investigation to ensure the applicant does not pose a security threat. This process may take a few days to complete. The Police Prefect reassured that access permissions for the red perimeters will be almost instantaneous, while permissions for the opening ceremony may take longer due to the detailed screening process.

The Police Prefect confirmed that the security measures for the upcoming Games are on track, with the necessary number of private security agents being recruited. While there was a need for additional agents in mid-April, efforts to hire more agents are progressing smoothly, and there are no current plans to call upon reserves from the military or police. Various articles focus on different aspects of the Paris 2024 Olympics and Paralympics, such as security arrangements, logistical challenges, athlete preparations, and societal impacts, providing a comprehensive overview of the event’s preparations and implications across multiple sectors.

The articles also touch upon environmental concerns, socio-economic impacts, and public participation, highlighting the various facets of hosting a major sporting event like the Olympics. With less than three months until the Games, recruitment challenges persist, and efforts are being made to ensure accessibility for people with disabilities. There is also coverage on the contentious issue of opposition to the Games and the practical realities of sports education in schools. The event aims to address a range of societal issues while promoting national unity through sports, with a specific focus on engaging diverse communities in the Olympic spirit.

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