The full Hunter’s moon in Aries is set to peak on October 17, 2024, at 24 degrees of cardinal fire, conjunct with Chiron, the source of pain. This supermoon is expected to be highly charged and challenging, making it a significant astronomical event. The impact of this lunar occurrence will be felt in the days leading up to and following its peak, allowing for a period of healing and transformation.

This specific full moon falls on the Libra/Aries axis, highlighting the balance between the self and partnerships. Libra seeks peace and harmony, while Aries is focused on individual progress. The conjunction with Chiron during this time emphasizes the need to address past wounds and work towards healing, making it a time for introspection and personal growth.

Evan Nathaniel Grim, an experienced astrologer, emphasizes the intense energy that the Aries full moon brings. It is a time for emotions to be expressed and vulnerabilities to be explored, as Aries is ruled by Mars, a planet of action and impulsivity. This full moon is expected to bring challenges and opportunities for growth, particularly in relation to past traumas and healing.

Looking back to the new moon solar eclipse in Aries that occurred six months earlier in April 2024, themes and patterns initiated during that time may come to fruition during this full moon. The energy of this lunar event will amplify existing emotions and experiences, allowing for a deeper understanding of personal growth and transformation. It is a time to reflect on past actions and intentions, and how they have shaped the present moment.

This full moon in Aries, with its close alignment to Chiron, can trigger sensitive situations and past traumas. The impulsive nature of Aries, coupled with the opposition between Mars and Pluto, calls for caution in handling emotional confrontations. Evan Nathaniel Grim advises approaching conflicts with grace and compassion, as they may lead to significant breakthroughs and resolutions. The healing journey during this time involves accepting pain and transforming it into personal power.

In conclusion, the Hunter’s Moon in Aries during October 2024 is a time of heightened emotions and the need for healing and growth. The intensity of this supermoon, coupled with its alignment with Chiron and the opposition between Mars and Pluto, makes it a challenging yet transformative period. By approaching situations with compassion, understanding, and a willingness to heal, individuals can harness the powerful energy of this full moon for personal growth and empowerment.

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