Track Star is a popular music trivia show hosted by Jack Coyne in Astor Place, where contestants can win money by guessing the artist of songs played for them. The show has gained immense popularity in less than two years, with big names in the music industry such as Ed Sheeran, Halsey, and Olivia Rodrigo expressing interest in being guests. The show aims to trigger reactions and stories from participants based on the songs played, rather than being a competitive game show.

The success of Track Star led to high-profile individuals like Vice President Kamala Harris reaching out to be guests on the show. Coyne and his team were even invited to the Democratic National Convention to interview Harris about her music taste. The experience was described by Coyne as mind-blowing, as he realized that famous people are just like anyone else when it comes to their love for music. The show has created a platform where celebrities and regular citizens can bond over their shared passion for music.

The idea for Track Star was born in January 2023 when Coyne, along with his brother and friend, established their media company Public Opinion, which focuses on NYC trivia and mini documentaries about the city. The trio decided to introduce music trivia to reach a wider audience beyond their niche content. Coyne’s optimism about New York City and its residents motivated him to showcase the city’s vibrancy and diversity through their creative projects.

While the show may seem easy to viewers, participants often struggle to guess the artists of songs played for them. Despite the nerves and pressure, contestants, like a local firefighter named Ray, have won significant amounts of money which they have donated to charity. Coyne’s decision not to repeat songs for the first year of the show added to the challenge for participants. Operating Track Star has also exposed him to new artists and songs that he may not have discovered otherwise.

The show has attracted a wide range of participants, including local residents and enthusiastic passersby who recognize Coyne from TikTok. Contestants often express their positive mindset before playing but end up realizing the difficulty of the task once they are in the moment. Coyne’s goal is to eventually have Bruce Springsteen as a guest on the show, as his music has been a significant influence throughout Coyne’s life. While he hasn’t reached out to Springsteen’s team yet, Coyne is open to extending the invitation to the legendary musician in the future.

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