The exclusive Euronews poll conducted by Ipsos among almost 26,000 respondents across 18 member states ahead of the elections to the European Parliament revealed that almost half of Europeans have a positive opinion of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. However, the sentiment varies widely across different member states. Zelenskyy is the best-liked leader of the eight European figures surveyed by Ipsos, but also the most divisive as his scores suffer the strongest swings depending on the country.

The poll showed that in the Nordic region and the Iberian Peninsula, Zelenskyy received the highest positive marks, while countries like Hungary, Greece, and Bulgaria had a majority of respondents with a negative opinion of the Ukrainian president. The picture contrasts with the official line taken by national governments, with countries like Italy and Czechia being vocal supporters of Ukraine and defending sanctions against Russia. Overall, Zelenskyy stands as a love-or-hate figure, eliciting powerful reactions on both sides of the debate.

When looking at voting intention ahead of the June elections, Zelenskyy earns the most points from supporters of pro-European parties such as the European People’s Party, the Socialists & Democrats, Renew Europe, and the Greens. The rates of positive opinion drop significantly with hard-right and far-right parties, showcasing the divide in opinions across political affiliations. Zelenskyy remains a polarizing figure, with powerful reactions on both sides of the debate.

The poll also offered insights into how Europeans feel about other prominent leaders in the continent. French President Emmanuel Macron ranks second in the best-liked list, with a majority of respondents having a positive opinion of him, except in France where the sentiment is more negative. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and other leaders like Giorgia Meloni, Pedro Sánchez, and Donald Tusk have mixed reviews, with varying levels of popularity across different countries.

Hungary’s Viktor Orbán is another polarizing figure, with many respondents having a negative opinion of him due to his promotion of illiberal democracy and Russian-friendly diplomacy. On the other hand, Russian President Vladimir Putin is the most reviled leader, with a majority of respondents holding a negative opinion of him across most European countries. Overall, the poll provided a comprehensive look at how Europeans perceive different leaders within the continent, highlighting the divisions and varying sentiments across member states.

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