Nicole Scherzinger reflected on her time with the Pussycat Dolls, expressing pride in the group’s 2019 reunion and performance on The X Factor. She noted that the experience showed the growth and maturity of the band members over the years, as many of them now have families. Scherzinger praised the women for coming together and being supportive of each other, despite any past issues that may have existed. She also mentioned her excitement for her upcoming Broadway debut in Sunset Boulevard and the opportunity to perform back in the States after a year in England.

The singer expressed gratitude for her early days in the girl group Eden’s Crush, which she believes prepared her for her leadership role in the Pussycat Dolls. She acknowledged that she was inexperienced at the time but said that the experience shaped her into the artist she is today. Scherzinger emphasized the importance of growth and self-discovery in her journey as a musician and artist, leading her to a place where she feels confident in writing and performing music on her own terms. She recognized the role that past experiences played in shaping her career and influencing her current creative pursuits.

Discussing her recent performances in London’s West End, Scherzinger expressed excitement about returning to the States for a special concert in New York City. She described the experience as a dream come true, recalling previous memorable performances she had witnessed in the city. Scherzinger highlighted the significance of bringing people together through music, and the joy of connecting with fans through her songs. She expressed anticipation for her upcoming run in Sunset Boulevard, which she described as her new home for the next few months.

Scherzinger’s journey from her early days in Eden’s Crush to her success with the Pussycat Dolls and now her Broadway debut reflects a path of growth, evolution, and self-discovery. She emphasized the importance of staying true to oneself and following one’s creative desires, despite any challenges or obstacles that may arise along the way. Scherzinger’s experiences with various girl groups have shaped her into the confident and acclaimed artist she is today, allowing her to explore new opportunities and take on exciting ventures such as her upcoming Broadway performance. Her passion for music, dedication to her craft, and commitment to authenticity shine through in her reflections on her musical journey.

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