Kevin Alejandro, the actor who plays Manny on Fire Country, is considering the future of his character after the shocking events of the season 2 finale, where Manny was arrested. Alejandro expressed uncertainty about whether this arrest would be a wake-up call for Manny, hinting that there could be more challenges ahead for the character. He praised the show’s writers for being able to create compelling storylines that push characters to their limits and create “rock bottom” situations for them.

In the second season, Manny faced various challenges after being demoted from his position at Three Rock. Alejandro shared that he could relate to Manny’s struggles as an actor, especially when his character was not as involved with the core group of characters as in the first season. Despite the setbacks and difficulties that Manny faced, Alejandro found it to be a good challenge for him as an actor to explore different aspects of his character and navigate the changes in the storyline.

Manny’s troubles escalated when he punched Luke for attempting to shut down Three Rock, resulting in charges being pressed against him. Evading his arrest warrant could potentially lead to prison time for Manny. While the future of the character remains uncertain, Alejandro expressed his excitement about the possibilities that season 3 could bring, including the idea of Manny returning to Three Rock, this time as an inmate. He highlighted the potential of exploring how Manny would navigate such a situation and the impact it could have on his character.

Despite Manny’s mistakes throughout the seasons, Alejandro stood by his character’s arc, emphasizing that he does not judge Manny but instead tries to understand and relate to the decisions made by the character. As Fire Country has been renewed for a third season, Alejandro is optimistic about the opportunities for growth and redemption for Manny’s character. He hopes to see Manny continue on a path of redemption, learning from his mistakes and overcoming challenges with strength and resilience.

Looking ahead, Alejandro believes that Manny represents redemption and the opportunity to correct past mistakes. He expressed his desire for Manny’s character to continue on a path of growth and self-improvement, acknowledging that everyone makes mistakes but it is important to learn from them and emerge stronger. With the renewal of Fire Country for a third season on CBS, Alejandro is excited to see where Manny’s story goes next and how he will navigate the challenges that lie ahead. All episodes of Fire Country are available for streaming on Paramount+.

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